Marco Block-Berlitz

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Home * People * Marco Block-Berlitz

Marco Block-Berlitz [1]

Marco Block-Berlitz, (né Marco Block)
a German computer scientist, professor for computer graphics at the HTW Dresden, and scientific assistant at the Free University of Berlin, where he already defended his Diplom and Ph.D. degrees in 2004 and 2009 respectively. He is member of the Artificial Intelligence Group [2] of Professor Raúl Rojas.


Marco Block-Berlitz' current research interests is in computer vision and computational archaeology, in particular using UAVs equipped with video cameras and artificial intelligence in cultural heritage management [3].


Marco Block worked on reinforcement learning in computer games and computer chess. As a chess player [4] [5], he founded the chess programming group in 2002, creating the C# chess engine FUSc#, also topic of his Diplom thesis, and in 2007, the Java-University.

Selected Publications


2003 ...

2010 ...

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