Lasse Hansen
Lasse Hansen,
a Norwegian pocess engineer and computer chess programmer. Lasse had the initial idea of magic bitboards, to perfectly hash the up to twelve relevant occupied bits of both directions of a rook- or bishop movement simultaneously [1]. He also proposed a memory saving trick by a final intersection [2]. Lasse Hansen is author of the chess program Sillycon.
Forum Posts
2005 ...
- Fast(er) bitboard move generator by Lasse Hansen, Winboard Forum, June 14, 2006 » Magic Bitboards
- On Zobrist keys by Lasse Hansen, CCC, June 21, 2009
2010 ...
- Check detection and move generation using bitboards by Lasse Hansen, CCC, December 06, 2011
- 152k rook and bishop attacks using PEXT and PDEP by Lasse Hansen, CCC, October 06, 2013 » BMI2
- Symmetric move generation using bitboards by Lasse Hansen, CCC, December 20, 2014 » Move Generation, Bitboard Serialization
2015 ...
- On bitboard legal move generation by Lasse Hansen, CCC, February 09, 2015 » Move Generation
- Perft using nullmove by Lasse Hansen, CCC, August 29, 2015 » Perft
- ↑ Lasse Hansen's Initial idea, Winboard Forum, June 14, 2006
- ↑ Lasse Hansen's postmask trick, Winboard Forum, May 09, 2008