Franz-Günter Winkler
Home * People * Franz-Günter Winkler
Franz-Günter Winkler,
an Austrian physicist, computer scientist and AI researcher with interests in cognitive science [2],
interpretation of Relativity theory [3], spacetime holism [4],
and philosophy of time [5] and mind [6]. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on spacetime holism at Vienna University of Technology in 2004 [7].
Selected Publications
1997 ...
- Franz-Günter Winkler, Johannes Fürnkranz (1997). On Effort in AI Research: A Description Along Two Dimensions. Deep Blue versus Kasparov, AAAI Workshop
- Franz-Günter Winkler, Johannes Fürnkranz (1998). A Hypothesis on the Divergence of AI Research. ICCA Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, pdf
- Franz-Günter Winkler (1999). Space-Time Unity and the Representation Problem. CASYS'99 pdf
2000 ...
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2002). An Outside View of Space and Time. Casys 2002, pdf
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2002). Spacetime Holism and the Passage of Time. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception (NATO ARW), pdf
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2002, 2005). The Normalization Problem of Special Relativity. Physics Essays, Vol. 15, No. 2, arXiv:physics/0504214
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2004). Spacetime Holism - A Fundamental Approach to the Representation Problem in Cognitive Science. Ph.D. thesis, Vienna University of Technology, pdf
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2005). Die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie. Peter Lang (German)
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2006). Spacetime Holism and the Hard Problem of Consciousness. CASYS'05, pdf
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2007). Gravitation in 4D Euclidean Space-Time Geometry. arXiv:0710.2117
2010 ...
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2013, 2015). Diagonal Metrics of Static, Spherically Symmetric Fields The Geodesic Equations and the Mass-Energy Relation from the Coordinate Perspective. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol, 52, No. 9, arXiv:1503.01970
- Franz-Günter Winkler (2015). Spacetime Holism - A Fundamental Approach to the Representation Problem in Cognitive Science. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften AG Co. KG
External Links
- ↑ Franz-Günter Winkler - homepage
- ↑ Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
- ↑ The Euclidean Interpretation of Relativity Theory
- ↑ Spacetime Holism
- ↑ Philosophy of Time
- ↑ Philosophy of Mind
- ↑ Franz-Günter Winkler (2004). Spacetime Holism - A Fundamental Approach to the Representation Problem in Cognitive Science. Ph.D. thesis, Vienna University of Technology, pdf
- ↑ Franz-Günter Winkler - Publications
- ↑ dblp: Franz-Günter Winkler