Michael Schlosser
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Home * People * Michael Schlosser
Michael Schlosser,
a German computer engineer and scientist, alumnus of the Chemnitz University of Technology with research interests in artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and computer chess. Since 1996, Michael Schlosser is associate professor at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences [2], Department of Electrical Engineering. He is also recognized chess composer [3] [4].
Selected Publications
1987 ...
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser (1987). Schach - eine Wissenschaft? Die Herausbildung der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen des Schachs, Wissenschaft und fortschritt 5/1987 (German)
- Michael Schlosser (1988). Computers and Chess-Problem Composition. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4
1990 ...
- László Lindner, Michael Schlosser (1991). New Ideas in Problem Solving and Composing Programs. Advances in Computer Chess 6
- Michael Schlosser (1991). Can a Computer Compose Chess Problems? Advances in Computer Chess 6
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser, Rainer Staudte (1992). Wissensdarstellung und -verarbeitung in strategischen Spielen (Knowledge representation and processing in strategic games) TU Chemnitz, Preprint Nr. 218/6. Jg./1992.
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser, Jens Zeidler (1993). Search vs. Knowledge? - Search and Knowledge! Proc. 3rd KADS Meeting, Munich
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser (1993). Advances in Computer Chess Conference 7. ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3
- Michael Schlosser (1994). Können Computer Schachprobleme komponieren? Teil 1: Deutsche Schachblätter/Schach-Report, 143(1994)5, S. 53-55 Teil 2: Deutsche Schachblätter/Schach-Report, 143(1994)6, S. 57-60
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser (1994). Learning from Examples for the Construction of Fuzzy Evaluations. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 26. Juni-2. Juli 1994, Orlando, Florida, Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Volume 1
- Christian Posthoff, D. Rätz, Michael Schlosser (1994). Fuzzy and Machine Learning Methods in Innovative Design Proceedings 2nd World Congress on Expert Systems
- Christian Posthoff, S. Schawelski, Michael Schlosser (1994). Neural Network Learning in a Chess Endgame Positions. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence
- Christian Posthoff, Rainer Staudte, Michael Schlosser (1994). Chess Programming and Computer-Science Education. Advances in Computer Chess 7
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser, Rainer Staudte, Jens Zeidler (1994). Transformations of Knowledge. Advances in Computer Chess 7
1995 ...
- Andreas Junghanns, Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser (1995). Search with Fuzzy Numbers. Proc. of the FUZZ-IEEE/IFES'95
- Jens Zeidler, Michael Schlosser (1995). Unschärfe und Entscheidungsbäume Beiträge zum Fachgruppentreffen Maschinelles Lernen der GI-Fachgruppe 1.1.3, University of Dortmund, 14.-16. August 1995, Forschungsbericht Nr. 580
- Jens Zeidler, Michael Schlosser (1996). Continuous-Valued Attributes in Fuzzy Decision Trees In: Proceedings of IPMU'96, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
- Michael Schlosser (1997). Knowledge Discovery in Endgame Databases. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis. Reasoning about Data: Second International Symposium, IDA-97
- Andreas Ittner, Jens Zeidler, R. Rossius, Werner Dilger, Michael Schlosser (1997). Feature Space Partitioning by Non-Linear and Fuzzy Decision Trees. IFSA'97
- Christian Posthoff, Günter Reinemann, Rainer Knaak, Michael Schlosser, Rainer Staudte (1999). Computerschach, Schachcomputer. Harri Deutsch, ISBN-13: 978-3817110377, Amazon.de
2000 ...
- Michael Schlosser, Rainer Staudte, Manfred Zucker (2002). 90 Jahre Schachkomposition in Chemnitz. (German) pdf
- Christian Posthoff, Michael Schlosser (2005). Optimal strategies — Learning from examples — Boolean equations. in Klaus P. Jantke, Steffen Lange (eds.) (2005). Algorithmic Learning for Knowledge-Based Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 961, Springer
- Michael Schlosser (2008). Learning of Evaluation Functions. in Johannes Steinmüller, Holger Langner, Marc Ritter, Jens Zeidler (Hrsg.): 15 Jahre Künstliche Intelligenz an der TU Chemnitz. Chemnitzer Informatikberichte, April 2008, CSR-08-01