Chin-Liang Chang
Home * People * Chin-Liang Chang
Chin-Liang Chang,
a Taiwanese American computer scientist with research interests in artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, theorem proving, database, and software engineering and the internet. In 1967, Chin-Liang Chang wrote his Ph.D thesis at University of California, Berkeley on fuzzy logic, advised by its inventor Lotfi A. Zadeh [2] . At National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, along with Richard C. T. Lee, James R. Slagle and John K. Dixon, Chin-Liang Chang researched on automated theorem proving, to extend Slagle's semantic resolution principle [3] , an inference rule for first-order predicate calculus, to deduce logical consequences from a set of axioms [4] .
Chin-Liang Chang further worked for IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc., Menlo Park, California [5] , and Nicesoft Corp., USA [6] , where he developed the Fuzzy programming language NICEL. After his retirement, he has being enjoying being an entrepreneur. His motto is “There is ‘no distance’ in Internet, and there is ‘no age’ in entrepreneurship” [7] .
Selected Publications
1967 ...
- Chin-Liang Chang (1967). Fuzzy Sets and Pattern Recognition. Ph.D. thesis, advisor: Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley
- James R. Slagle, Chin-Liang Chang, Richard C. T. Lee (1969). Completeness Theorems for Semantic Resolution In Consequence-Finding. IJCAI-69, pdf
1970 ...
- James R. Slagle, Chin-Liang Chang, Richard C. T. Lee (1970). A New Algorithm for Generating Prime Implicants. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 19, No. 4
- Chin-Liang Chang, James R. Slagle (1971). An Admissible and Optimal Algorithm for Searching AND/OR Graphs. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 2
- Chin-Liang Chang, Richard C. T. Lee, John K. Dixon (1973). The Specialization of Programs by Theorem Proving. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol 2, No. 1
- Chin-Liang Chang, Richard C. T. Lee (1973). Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving. Academic Press, New York, 1973
1980 ...
- Chin-Liang Chang (1985). Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Techniques. JMA Press, Open Library
- Chin-Liang Chang (1997). Fuzzy-Logic-Based Programming. Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Applications and Theory, Vol 15, google books
External Links
- ↑ Chin-Liang Chang and Tim Walker | Flickr - Fotosharing!, One Web Day Austin, September 22, 2007, Photo by Jon Lebkowsky
- ↑ Ph.D. Dissertations | EECS at UC Berkeley
- ↑ James R. Slagle (1967). Automatic Theorem Proving With Renamable and Semantic Resolution. Journal of the ACM, Vol. 14, No. 4
- ↑ James R. Slagle, Chin-Liang Chang, Richard C. T. Lee (1969). Completeness Theorems for Semantic Resolution in Consequence-Finding. IJCAI-69, pdf
- ↑ Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving - Elsevier
- ↑ Fuzzy-Logic-Based Programming
- ↑ RISE Sessions: Chin Chang
- ↑ DBLP: Chin-Liang Chang
- ↑ Researchr - Publications by 'Chin-Liang Chang'