CPW-Engine console ui

From Chessprogramming wiki
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Home * Engines * CPW-Engine * Console UI

#include "stdafx.h"

void printWelcome() {
  printf(" CPW chess engine ");
  printf(" created by some members of Chessprogramming Wiki \n");
  printf(" http://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/ \n\n");
  printf(" type 'help' for a list of commands \n\n");

void printHelp() {
  printf("------------------------------------------ \n");
  printf("d        =  display current board position \n");
  printf("bench n  =  test search speed to depth n \n");
  printf("perft n  =  test perft numbers up to depth n \n");
  printf("eval     =  display evaluation details \n");
  printf("stat     =  display search statistics \n");
  printf("go       =  play for the side to move \n");
  printf("new      =  start a new game \n");
  printf("sd n     =  set search depth to n plies \n");
  printf("st n     =  set search time to n seconds \n");
  printf("quit     =  exit CPW engine \n");
  printf("Please enter moves in algebraic notation (e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 d8d5 ... b7b8q) \n");
  printf("or better use a GUI compliant with the UCI protocol \n");
  printf("------------------------------------------ \n");

void printStats() {
  U64 nodes = sd.nodes + (sd.nodes == 0);

  printf("Nodes       : %d \n", sd.nodes);
  printf("Quiesc nodes: %d \n", sd.q_nodes);
  printf("Ratio       : %d %\n", sd.q_nodes * 100 / nodes);

void printSearchHeader() {
  printf("ply      nodes   time score pv\n");

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