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General Setwise Operations

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'''[[Main Page|Home]] * [[Board Representation]] * [[Bitboards]] * General Setwise Operations'''
[[FILE:Upward by Vasily Kandinsky, 1929.jpg|border|right|thumb||[[Arts#:Category:Wassily Kandinsky|Wassily Kandinsky]] - Upward, 1929 <ref>[[Arts#:Category:Wassily Kandinsky|Wassily Kandinsky]] - Upward, 1929, [ Peggy Guggenheim Collection], [ Wikimedia COmmons]</ref> ]]
'''General Setwise Operations''',<br/>
if (a != b) -> both sets are not equal
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86]] has a cmp-instruction, which internally performs a subtraction to set its internal processor flags (carry, zero, overflow) accordantly, for instance the zero-flag if both sets are equal. Those flags are then used by conditional jump or move instructions.
set-wise = {a1, b1, c1, d1, ....., e8, f8, g8, h8}
as bitboard diagrams and [ Venn diagramdiagrams]{||-| [[FILE:Venn0000.svg|none|border|text-bottom|240px|link=]] | [[FILE:Venn1111.svgright|none|border|text-bottomthumb|240px|link=]]|}or bitboard diagrams<pre> Empty Universe . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Programmers often wonder to use -1 in [[C]], [[Cpp|C++]] as unsigned constant. See [[General Setwise Operations#TheTwosComplement|The Two's Complement]] - alternately one may use ~0 to define the universal set. Since in [[C]] or [[Cpp|C++]], decimal numbers without ULL suffix are treated as 32-bit integers, constants outside the integer range need some care concerning sign or zero extension. Const declarations or using the [[Bitboards#DefiningBitboards|C64 Macro]] is recommended:
<span id="Intersection"></span>
In [ set theory] [ intersection] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">A &#8745; B</span>
In [ boolean algebra] [ conjunction] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">a &#8743; b</span>
Bitboard intersection or conjunction is performed by [ bitwise and] (binary operator & in [[C]], [[Cpp|C++]] or [[Java]], and the keyword "AND" in [[Pascal]]).
intersection = a & b
'''Truth Table'''<br/>
Truth table of [ and] for one bit, for a '1' result both inputs need to be '1':
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Conjunction acts like a bitwise minimum, min(a, b) or as bitwise multiplication (a * b).
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86]] has general purpose instruction as well as [[SIMD and SWAR Techniques|SIMD-instructions]] for bitwise and:
vpand ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 ; AVX2 ymm0 = ymm1 & ymm2
[[SSE2]]-intrinsic [ [SSE2#_mm_and_si128|_mm_and_si128].]<br/> [[AVX2]]-intrinsic [ [AVX2#_mm256_and_si256|_mm256_and_si256]]<br/>
'''Idempotent''' <br/>
Conjunction is [ idempotent].
a & a == a
'''Commutative''' <br/>
Conjunction is [ commutative]
a & b == b & a
'''Associative''' <br/>
Conjunction is [ associative].
(a & b) & c == a & (b & c)
'''Subset''' <br/>
The intersection of two sets is [ subset] of both.
<span id="DisjointSets"></span>
'''Disjoint Sets''' <br/>
To test whether two sets are [ disjoint] - that is their intersection is empty - compiler emit the [[x86]] test-instruction instead of and. That saves the content of a register, if the intersection is not otherwise needed:
<span id="Union"></span>
In [ set theory] [ union] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">A &#8746; B</span>
In [ boolean algebra] [ disjunction] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">a &#8744; b</span>
The union or disjunction of two bitboards is applied by [ bitwise or] (binary operator | in [[C]], [[Cpp|C++]] or [[Java]], or the keyword "OR" in [[Pascal]]). The union is superset of the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]], while the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] is [ subset] of the union.
union = a | b
'''Truth Table''' <br/>
Truth table of [ or] for one bit, one set input bits is sufficient to set the output:
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Disjunction acts like bitwise maximum, max(a, b) or as addition with saturation, min(a + b, 1). It can also be interpreted as sum minus product, a + b - a*b, with possible temporary overflow of one binary digit to two - or with modulo 2 arithmetic.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86]] has general purpose instruction as well as [[SIMD and SWAR Techniques|SIMD-instructions]] for bitwise or:
vpor ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 ; AVX2 ymm0 = ymm1 | ymm2
[[SSE2]]-intrinsic [ [SSE2#_mm_or_si128|_mm_or_si128].]<br/> [[AVX2]]-intrinsic [ [AVX2#_mm256_or_si256|_mm256_or_si256]]<br/> [[AVX-512]] has [[AVX-512#VPTERNLOG|VPTERNLOG]]<br/>
'''Idempotent''' <br/>
Disjunction is [ idempotent].
a | a == a
'''Commutative''' <br/>
Disjunction is [ commutative]
a | b == b | a
'''Associative''' <br/>
Disjunction is [ associative].
(a | b) | c == a | (b | c)
<span id="DistributiveAndOr"></span>
'''Distributive''' <br/>
Disjunction is [ distributive] over [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|conjunction]] and vice versa:
x | (y & z) == (x | y) & (x | z)
x & (y | z) == (x & y) | (x & z)
'''Superset''' <br/>
The union of two sets is superset of both. For instance the union of all white and black pieces are the set of all occupied squares:
<span id="ComplementSet"></span>
==Complement Set==
In [ set theory] [ complement set] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">A</span><span style="vertical-align: super;">&#8705;</span>
In [ boolean algebra] [ negation] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">&#172;a</span>
The complement set (absolute complement set), negation or [ ones' complement] has it's equivalent in [ bitwise not] (unary operator '~' in [[C]], [[Cpp|C++]] or [[Java]], or the keyword "NOT" in [[Pascal]]).
'''Truth Table''' <br/>
Truth table of [ not] for one bit:
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The complement can be interpreted as bitwise subtraction (1 - a).
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
Available as general purpose instruction.
<pre> not rax ; rax = ~rax</pre>
'''Empty Squares''' <br/>
The set of empty squares for instance is the complement-set of all occupied squares and vice versa:
!-1 == 0
<span id="Complementlaws"></span>
'''Complement laws''' <br/>
* The [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] of a set with it's complement is the universal set -1.
* The [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] of a set with it's complement is the empty set 0 - both are [ disjoint].
~(-1) == 0
<span id="DeMorganslaws"></span>
'''De Morgan's laws''' <br/>
* Complement of [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] ([ NOR] ) is the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] of the complements <ref>[[Mathematician#ADeMorgan|Augustus De Morgan]] ('''1860'''). ''[ Syllabus of a Proposed System of Logic]''. Walton & Malbery</ref>.
* Complement of [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] ([ NAND] or [ Sheffer stroke] ) is the [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] of the complements.
<span id="RelativeComplement"></span>
==Relative Complement==
[[FILE:Venn0010.svg|noneborder|borderright|text-bottomthumb|240px|link= Complement]]
In [ set theory] [ relative complement] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">A</span><span style="vertical-align: super;">&#8705;</span><span style="font-size: 140%;">&#8745; B = B\A</span>
The relative complement is the [[General Setwise Operations#ComplementSet|absolute complement]] restricted to some other set. The relative complement of 'a' inside 'b' is also known as the '''set theoretic difference''' of 'b' minus 'a'. It is the set of all elements that belong to 'b' but '''not''' to 'a'. Also called 'b' without 'a'. It is the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] of 'b' with the absolute complement of 'a'.
not_a_in_b = ~a & b
b_without_a = b & ~a
'''Truth Table''' <br/>
Truth table of relative complement for one bit:
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The relative complement of 'a' in 'b' may be interpreted as a bitwise (a < b) relation.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86]] don't has an own general purpose instruction for relative complement, but [[x86-64]] expansion [[BMI1]], and [[SIMD and SWAR Techniques|SIMD-instructions]]:
vpandn ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 ; AVX xmm0 = ~xmm1 & xmm2
[[SSE2]]-intrinsic [ [SSE2#_mm_andnot_si128|_mm_andnot_si128].]<br/> [[AVX2]]-intrinsic [ [AVX2#_mm256_andnot_si256|_mm256_andnot_si256]]<br/>
'''Super minus Sub''' <br/>
In presumption of [[General Setwise Operations#XorWithout|subtraction or exclusive or]] there are alternatives to calculate the relative complement - superset minus subset. We can take either the union without the complementing set - or the other set without the intersection
~a & b == ( a | b ) - a
Logical Implication or [ Entailment] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">A &#8658; B</span>
The boolean [ Material conditional] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">a &#8594; b</span>
Logical Implication or the boolean Material conditional 'a' implies 'b' (if 'a' then 'b') is an derived boolean operation, implemented as [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] of the [[General Setwise Operations#ComplementSet|absolute complement]] of 'a' with 'b':
a_implies_b == ~a | b
Implication may be interpreted as a bitwise (a <= b) relation.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>[[AVX-512]] has [[AVX-512#VPTERNLOG|VPTERNLOG]]<br/>
<span id="ExclusiveOr"></span>
==Exclusive Or==
[[FILE:Venn0110.svg|noneborder|borderright|text-bottomthumb|240px|link= Or]]
In [ set theory] [ symmetric difference] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">A &#8710; B</span>
In [ boolean algebra] [ Exclusive or] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">a &#8853; b</span>Exclusive or, also exclusive disjunction (xor, binary operator '^' in [[C]], [[Cpp|C++]] or [[Java]], or the keyword "XOR" in [[Pascal]]), xor = a ^ balso called symmetric difference, leaves all elements which are exclusively set in one of the two sets. Xor is really a multi purpose operation with a lot of applications not only bitboards of course.
1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1
1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1
'''Truth Table''' <br/>
Truth table of [ exclusive or] for one bit:
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It also acts like a bitwise subtraction (modulo 2).
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86]] has general purpose instruction as well as [[SIMD and SWAR Techniques|SIMD-instructions]] for bitwise exclusive or:
vpxor ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 ; AVX2 ymm0 = ymm1 ^ ymm2
[[SSE2]]-intrinsic [ [SSE2#_mm_xor_si128|_mm_xor_si128].]<br/>[[AVX2]]-intrinsic [ [AVX2#_mm256_xor_si256|_mm256_xor_si256]]<br/>
'''Commutative''' <br/>
Exclusive disjunction is [ commutative]
a ^ b == b ^ a
'''Associative''' <br/>
Xor is [ associative] as well.
(a ^ b) ^ c == a ^ (b ^ c)
 '''Distributive''' <br/>
[[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|Conjunction]] is [ distributive] over exclusive disjunction - but '''not''' vice versa, since conjunction acts like multiplication, while xor acts as addition in the [ Galois field] [ GF(2)] :
x & (y ^ z) == (x & y) ^ (x & z)
 '''Own Inverse''' <br/>
If applied two (even) times with the same operand, xor restores the original result. It is own inverse or an [ involution] .
 '''Subset''' <br/>
If one operand is subset of the other, xor (or subtraction) implements the [[General Setwise Operations#RelativeComplement|relative complement]].
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'''Subtraction''' <br/>
While commutative, xor is a better replacement for subtracting from power of two minus one values, such as 63.
(2**<span style="vertical-align: super;">n </span> - 1) - a == a ^ (2**<span style="vertical-align: super;">n </span> - 1) with a subset of 2**<span style="vertical-align: super;">n </span> - 1
This is because it usually safes one [[x86]] load instruction and an additional register, but uses opcodes with immediate operands - for instance:
-1 - a == a ^ -1
'''Or without And''' <br/>
Xor is the same as a [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] without the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] - all the bits different, 0,1 or 1,0. Since the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] is subset of the [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]], xor or subtraction can replace the "without" operation & ~:
a ^ b == (a | b) &~(a & b)
a ^ b == (a | b) ^ (a & b)
a ^ b == (a | b) - (a & b)
 '''Disjoint Sets''' <br/>
The symmetric difference of disjoint sets is equal to the [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] or arithmetical addition. Since [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] and symmetric difference are disjoint, the union might defined that way:
a | b = ( a & b ) ^ ( a ^ b )
a | b = ( a & b ) + ( a ^ b )
Assume we have distinct attack sets of pawns in left or right [[Direction|direction]]. The set of all squares attacked by two pawns is the intersection, the set exclusively attacked by one pawn (either right or left) is the xor-sum, while all squares attacked by any pawn is the union, see [[Pawn Attacks (Bitboards)#PawnAttacks|pawn attacks]].
 '''Union of Complements''' <br/>
The symmetric difference is equivalent to the [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] of both [[General Setwise Operations#RelativeComplement|relative complements]]. Since both [[General Setwise Operations#RelativeComplement|relative complements]] are [ disjoint], bitwise or or add can replaced by xor itself:
a ^ b == (a & ~b) | (b & ~a)
a ^ b == (a & ~b) ^ (b & ~a)
a ^ b == (a & ~b) + (b & ~a)
 '''Toggle''' <br/>
Xor can be used to toggle or flip bits by a mask.
x ^= mask;
 '''Complement''' <br/>
xor with the universal set -1 flips each bit and results in the ones' complement.
a ^ -1 == ~a
<span id="XorWithout"></span>
'''Without''' <br/>
Due to distributive law and since symmetric difference of set and subset is the relative complement of subset in set, there are some equivalent ways to calculate the [[General Setwise Operations#RelativeComplement|relative complement]] by xor. Based on surrounding expressions or whether subexpressions such as union, intersection or symmetric difference may be reused one may prefer the one or other alternative.
a & ~b == a & (-1 ^ b )
a & ~b == a ^ ( a & b ) == a - ( a & b )
a & ~b == b ^ ( a | b ) == ( a | b ) - b
Also note that<br/>
a & a == a & -1
<span id="XorClear"></span>
'''Clear''' <br/>
Since 'a' xor 'a' is zero, it is the shorter opcode to clear a register, since it takes no immediate operand. Applied by optimizing compilers. Same is true for subtraction by the way.
pxor xmm0, xmm0 ; SSE2 - 128-bit xmm-register
'''Xor Swap''' <br/>
Three xors on the same registers swap their content: (Note: this only works when a and b are stored on distinct memory adresses!)
... 'a' becomes 'b', but only a part of 'b', where mask is one, becomes 'a'.
<span id="BitsFrom2SourcesByMask"></span>
'''Bits from two Sources''' <br/>
Getting arbitrary, [ disjoint] bits from two sources by a mask:
== (a & ~mask) + (b & mask) because both sets of the union are disjoint
'''XOR-applications and affairs''' <br/>
* Calculation of hash-keys based on [[Zobrist Hashing|Zobrist-keys]].
* [ Cyclic redundancy check], [[Parallel Prefix Algorithms#ParityWords|Parity words]] or [[Parallel Prefix Algorithms#GrayCode|Gray Code]]
* [ Fredkin gate] by [[Edward Fredkin]]
* [[Hyperbola Quintessence]].
* [[Subtracting a rook Rook from a blocking pieceBlocking Piece|o^(o-2r)]].
* [[Robert Hyatt|Robert Hyatt's]] approach of a [[Shared Hash Table#Lockless|lockless transposition table]]
* [[General Setwise Operations#SwappingBits|Swapping Bits]].
[[FILE:Venn1001.svg|noneborder|borderright|text-bottomthumb|240px|link=]] [ If and only if] (Iff) is denoted as: <span style="font-size: 140%;">A &#8660; B</span>
[ Logical equivalence] is denoted as:
<span style="font-size: 140%;">a &#8596; b</span>
[ Logical equality], [ logical equivalence] or [ biconditional] ([ if and only if], [ XNOR] ) is the complement of xor.
a_equal_b == (a & b) | (~a & ~b)
a_equal_b == (a & b) | ~(a | b)
'''Truth Table''' <br/>
Truth table of equivalence or for one bit:
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Equivalence implements a bitwise (a == b) relation.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/> [[AVX-512]] has [[AVX-512#VPTERNLOG|VPTERNLOG]]<br/>
<span id="Majority"></span>
The [ majority function] or '''median operator''' is a function from n inputs to one output. The value of the operation is false when n/2 or fewer arguments are false, and true otherwise. For two inputs it is the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]]. Three inputs require some more computation:
'''Truth Table''' <br/>
Truth table of majority for three inputs:
{| class="wikitable"
See the application of [[Population Count#CardinalityofMultipleSets|cardinality of multiple sets]] for more than three inputs.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[AVX-512]] [[AVX-512#VPTERNLOG|VPTERNLOG]] imm8 = 0xe8 implements the majority function.
<span id="GreaterOne"></span>
==Greater One Sets==
'''Greater One''' is a function from n inputs to one output. The value of the operation is true if more than one argument is true, false otherwise. Obviously, for two inputs it is the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]], for three inputs it is the [[General Setwise Operations#Majority|majority function]]. For more inputs it is the union of all distinct pairwise intersections, which can be expressed with setwise operators that way:
<span style="font-size: 200%;">&#8746;</span><span style="vertical-align: sub;">i>j&#8712;I</span><span style="font-size: 120%;">(A<span style="vertical-align: sub;">i</span>&#8745;A<span style="vertical-align: sub;">j</span>)</span>
With four bitboards this is equivalent to:
operations - that is 11 for n == 4.
'''O(n^2) to O(n)''' <br/>
Due to [[General Setwise Operations#DistributiveAndOr|distibutive law]] one can factor out common sets ...
... with further reductions of the number of operations, also due to aggregation of the inner or-terms. Three additional operations for an increment of n, thus the former quadratic increase becomes linear.
In general, as mentioned,<br/> <span style="font-size: 200%;">&#8746;</span><span style="vertical-align: sub;">i>j&#8712;I</span><span style="font-size: 120%;">(A<span style="vertical-align: sub;">i</span>&#8745;A<span style="vertical-align: sub;">j</span>)</span>
n * (n - 1) - 1
The reason the bitboard type-definintion is unsigned in [[C]], [[Cpp|C++]] is to avoid so called [ arithmetical shift right] in opposition to [ logical shift right] . Arithmetical shift right implies filling one-bits in from MSB-direction if the operand is negative and has MSB bit 63 set. Logical shift right always shifts in zeros - that is what we need. [[Java]] has no unsigned types, but a special unsigned shift right operator >>>.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>[[x86]] has general purpose instruction instructions, [[BMI2]] general purpose instructions not affecting processor flags, as well as [[SIMD and SWAR Techniques|SIMD-instructions]] for various shifts:
shr rax, cl ; rax >>= cl
shl rax, cl ; rax <<= cl
shrx r64a, r/m64, r64b; BMI2 r64a = r/m64 >> r64b
shlx r64a, r/m64, r64b; BMI2 r64a = r/m64 << r64b
psrlq mm0, mm1 ; MMX mm0 >>= mm1
psllq mm0, mm1 ; MMX mm0 <<= mm1
psrlq xmm0, xmm1 ; SSE2 xmm0 >>= xmm1
psllq xmm0, xmm1 ; SSE2 xmm0 <<= xmm1
vpshlq xmm0, xmm1, xmm2 ; XOP xmm0 = xmm1 >>/<< xmm2 ; Individual, generalized shifts
vpshlb xmm0, xmm1, xmm2 ; XOP xmm0 = xmm1 >>/<< xmm2 ; Individual, generalized shifts of 16 bytes
vpsrlvq ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 ; AVX2 ymm0 = ymm1 >> ymm2 ; Individual shifts
vpsllvq ymm0, ymm1, ymm2 ; AVX2 ymm0 = ymm1 << ymm2 ; Individual shifts
[[SSE2]]-intrinsics with variable register or constant immediate shift amounts, working on vectors of two bitboards:
* [ [SSE2#_mm_srl_epi64|_mm_srl_epi64]]* [ [SSE2#_mm_srli_epi64|_mm_srli_epi64]* [ _mm_sll_epi64]* [ _mm_slli_epi64] [[XOP]] has [[XOPSSE2#Shifts_mm_sll_epi64|individual, generalized shifts_mm_sll_epi64]] for each of two bitboards and also has byte-wise shifts* [ _mm_shl_epi64[SSE2#_mm_slli_epi64|_mm_slli_epi64]* [ _mm_shl_epi8]
[[AVX2]] has [[AVX2#IndividualShifts|individual shifts]] for each of four bitboards:
* [ [AVX2#_mm256_sllv_epi64|_mm256_sllv_epi64]]* [ [AVX2#_mm256_srlv_epi64|_mm256_srlv_epi64]]
<span id="OneStepOnly"></span>
==One Step Only==
Most processors have rotate instructions, but are not supported by standard programming languages like [[C]] or [[Java]]. Some compilers provide [ intrinsic], processor specific functions.
U64 rotateLeft (U64 x, int s) {return _rotl64(x, s);}
ror rax, cl
'''Rotate by Shift''' <br/>
Otherwise rotate has to be emulated by shifts, with some chance optimizing compiler will emit exactly one rotate instruction.
<span id="GenOneStep"></span>
'''One Step''' <br/>
[[x86-64]] rot64 works like a generalized shift with positive or negative shift amount - since it internally applies an unsigned modulo 64 ( & 63) and makes -i = 64-i. We need to clear either the lower or upper bits by intersection with a mask, which might be combined with the wrap-ands for [[General Setwise Operations#OneStepOnly|one step]]. It might be applied to get attacks for both sides with a [[Direction|direction]] parameter and small lookups for shift amount and wrap-ands - instead of multiple code for eight directions. Of course generalized shift will be a bit slower due to lookups and using cl as the shift amount register.
''The inverse function square = log2(x), is topic of [[BitScan|bitscan]] and [[Bitboard Serialization|bitboard serialization]].''
'''Shift versus Lookup''' <br/>
While 1 << square sounds cheap, it is rather expensive in 32-bit mode - and therefor often precalculated in a small lookup-table of 64-single bit bitboards. Also, on [[x86-64]]-processors a variable shift is restricted to the byte-register cl. Thus, two or more variable shifts are constrained by sequential execution <ref>[ To shift or not to shift] by thevinenator, [[Computer Chess Forums|OpenChess Forum]], September 09, 2015</ref>.
'''Test''' <br/>
Test a bit of a square-index by [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]]-operator 'and'.
if (x & singleBitset) -> bit is set;
'''Set''' <br/>
Set a bit of a square-index by [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]]-operator 'or'.
x |= singleBitset; // set bit
'''Toggle''' <br/>
Toggle a bit of square-index by [[General Setwise Operations#ExclusiveOr|xor]].
x ^= singleBitset; // toggle bit
'''Reset''' <br/><span id="ResetBit"></span>Reset a bit of square-index by [[General Setwise Operations#RelativeComplement|relative complement]] of the single bit.,
x &= ~singleBitset; // reset bit
or conditional toggle by single bit intersection
x ^= singleBitset & x; // reset bit
Set and toggle (or, xor) might the faster way to reset a bit inside a register (not, and).
If singleBitset needs to preserved, an extra register is needed for the complement.
'''x86-Instructions''' <br/>[[x86]] processor provides a bit-test instruction family (bt, bts, btr, btc) with 32- and 64-bit operands. They may be used implicitly by compiler optimization or explicitly by inline assembler or compiler intrinsics. Take care that they are applied on local variables likely registers rather than memory references:* <ref>[http!topic/fishcooking/libraryTplkvO62I9U On the speed of SquareBB array] by protonspring, [[Computer Chess Forums|FishCooking]], March 22, 2019</h65k4tze%28VS.80%29.aspx ref>:* [[x86-64#gpinstructions|_bittest64]]* [[x86-us/library/z56sc6y4%28VS.80%29.aspx 64#gpinstructions|_bittestandset64]]* [[x86-us/library/zbdxdb11%28VS.80%29.aspx 64#gpinstructions|_bittestandcomplement64]]* [[x86-us/library/hd0hzyf8%28VS.80%29.aspx 64#gpinstructions|_bittestandreset64]]
<span id="UpdateByMove"></span>
==Update by Move==
Similar for special moves like [[Castling|castling]], [[Promotions|promotions]] and [[En passant|en passant captures]].
<span id="UpperAndLowerBits"></span>
'''Upper Squares''' <br/>
To get a set of all upper squares or bits, either shift ~1 or -2 left by square:
'''Lower Squares''' <br/>
Lower squares are simply Bit by Square minus one.
[ Swapping] none overlapping bit-sequences in a bitboard is the base of a lot of [ permutation] tricks.
'''by Position''' <br/>
Suppose we like to swap n [[Bit|bits]] from two none overlapping bit locations of a bitboard. The trick is to set all n least significant bits by subtracting one from n power of 2. Both substrings are shifted to bit zero, exclusive ored and masked by the n ones. This sequence is then twice shifted back to their original places, while the [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] (xor-union due to [ disjoint] bits) is finally exclusive ored with the original bitboard to swap both sequences.
<span id="DeltaSwap"></span>
'''Delta Swap''' <br/>
To swap any none overlapping pairs we can shift by the difference (j-i, with j>i) and supply an explicit mask with a '1' on the least significant position for each pair supposed to be swapped.
<span id="ArithmeticalOperations"></span>
=Arithmetic Operations=
At the first glance, [ arithmetic operations], that is [ addition], [ subtraction], [ multiplication] and [ division], doesn't make much sense with bitboards. Still, there are some [[Bit-Twiddling|bit-twiddling]] applications related to least significant one bit (LS1B), to [[Traversing Subsets of a Set|enumerate all subsets of a set]] or [[Subtracting a rook Rook from a blocking pieceBlocking Piece|sliding attack generation]]. Multiplication of certain pattern has some applications as well, most likely to calculate hash-indicies of [[Occupancy of any Line#Multiplication|masked occupancies]].
==Derived from Bitwise==
[[FILE:Half Adder.svg|border|right|thumb|link=|Half Adder]]
Unlike bitwise boolean operations on 64-bit words, which are in fact 64 parallel operations on each bit without any interaction between them, arithmetic operations like addition need to propagate possible [ carries] from lower to higher bits. Despite, Add and Sub are usually as fast their bitwise boolean counterparts, because they are implemented in Hardware within the [[Combinatorial Logic#ALU|ALU]] of the CPU. A so called [[Combinatorial Logic#Adder|half-adder]] to add two bits (A, B), requires an [[Combinatorial Logic#AND|And-Gate]] for the carry (C) and a [[Combinatorial Logic#XOR|Xor-Gate]] for the sum (S):
[[FILE:Half Adder.svg|none|border|text-bottom|link=]]
two_bitsum = (bitA ^ bitB) | ((bitA & bitB) << 1);
<span id="Subtraction"></span>
[ Subtraction] (like xor) might be used to implement the [[General Setwise Operations#RelativeComplement|relative complement]], of a [ subset] inside it's superset. As mentioned, subtraction may be useful in calculating [[Subtracting a rook Rook from a blocking pieceBlocking Piece|sliding attacks]].
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
sub rax, rbx ; rax -= rbx
A lot of [[Bit-Twiddling|bit-twiddling]] tricks on bitboards to traverse or isolate subsets, rely on [ two's complement] arithmetic. Most recent processors (and compiler or interpreter for these processors) use the two's complement to implement the unary minus operator for signed as well for unsigned integer types. In [[C]] it is guaranteed for unsigned integer types. [[Java]] guarantees two's complement for all implicit signed integral types char, short, int, long.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
neg rax; rax = -rax; rax *= -1
''2^N is used as power operator in this paragraph not xor !''!
'''Increment of Complement''' <br/> The two's complement is defined as a value, we need to add to the original value to get 2^<span style="vertical-align: super;">64 </span> which is an "overflowed" zero - since all 64-bit values are implicitly modulo 2^<span style="vertical-align: super;">64</span>. Thus, the two's complement is defined as '''ones' complement plus one''':<pre> -x == ~x + 1</pre>That fulfills the condition that x + (-x) == 2 ^ <span style="vertical-align: super;">bitsize </span> (2 ^ <span style="vertical-align: super;">64</span>) which overflows to zero:
x + (-x) == 0
==> x + ~x == -1 the universal set
'''Complement of Decrement''' <br/>
Replacing x by x - 1 in the increment of complement formula, leaves another definition - two's complement or Negation is also the ones' complement of the ones' decrement:
<pre> -x == ~(x - 1)</pre>
Thus, we can reduce subtraction by addition and ones' complement:
x - y == ~(~x + y)
 '''Bitwise Copy/Invert''' <br/>
The two's complement may also defined by a bitwise copy-loop from right (LSB) to left (MSB):
'''Signed-Unsigned''' <br/>
This works independently whether we interpret 'x' as signed or unsigned. While 0 is is the synonym for all bits clear, -1 is the synonym for all bits set in a computer word of any arbitrary bit-size, also for 64-bit words such as bitboards.
Some C++ compiler warn -x still unsigned - (0-x) may used to avoid that with no overhead.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86-64]] expansion [[BMI1]] has LS1B bit isolation:
blsi rax, rbx ; BMI1 rax = rbx & -rbx
[[BMI1]]-intrinsic [ [BMI1#_blsi_u3264|_blsi_u32/64].]
[[AMD|AMD's]] [[x86-64]] expansion [[TBM]] further has a [[TBM#BLSIC|Isolate Lowest Set Bit and Complement]] instruction, which applies [[General Setwise Operations#DeMorganslaws|De Morgan's law]] to get the complement of the LS1B:
... since we already know two's complement (-x) and ones' decrement (x-1) are complement sets.
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86-64]] expansion [[BMI1]] has LS1B bit reset:
blsr rax, rbx ; BMI1 rax = rbx & (rbx - 1)
[[BMI1]]-intrinsic [ [BMI1#_blsr_u3264|_blsr_u32/64].]
<span id="LS1BSeparation"></span>
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[x86-64]] expansion [[BMI1]] has [[BMI1#BLSMSK|BLSMSK]] (Mask Up to Lowest Set Bit = below_LSB1_mask_including), [[AMD|AMD's]] [[x86-64]] expansion [[TBM]] has [[TBM#TZMSK|TZMSK]] (Mask From Trailing Zeros = below_LSB1_mask):
tzmsk rax, rbx ; TBM: rax = ~rbx & (rbx - 1)
[[BMI1]]-intrinsic [ [BMI1#_blsmsk_u3264|_blsmsk_u32/64].]
. . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
'''x86-mnemonics''' <br/>
[[AMD|AMD's]] [[x86-64]] expansion [[TBM]] has a [[TBM#BLSFILL|Fill From Lowest Set Bit]] instruction:
Still quite expensive - better to traverse sets the other way around or rely on intrinsic functions to use special processor instructions like [[BitScan#Bitscanreverse|BitScanReverse]] or LeadingZeroCount, which implicitly performs not only the isolation but also the [ log2].
'''Common MS1B''' <br/>
Two sets have a common MS1B, if the [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] is greater than the xor sum:
y = x * 0x00010100;
'''Fill-Multiplication''' <br/>
In fact, we can replace [[Parallel Prefix Algorithms|parallel prefix]] left shifts like,
See [[Kindergarten Bitboards|Kindergarten-Bitboards]]- or [[Magic Bitboards|Magic-Bitboards]] as applications of fill-multiplication.
'''De Bruijn Multiplication''' <br/>Another bitboard related application of multiplication is to determine the bit-index of the least significant one bit. A isolated, single bit is multiplied with a [[De Bruijn sequenceSequence]] to implement a [[BitscanBitScan#DeBruijnMultiplation|bitscan]].
<span id="Division"></span>
===Power of Two===
As a remainder, and to close the cycle to [[General Setwise Operations#Bitwisebooleanoperations|bitwise boolean operations]], the well known trick is mentioned, to replace modulo by power of two by [[General Setwise Operations#Intersection|intersection]] with power of two minus one:
<pre> a % 2^<span style="vertical-align: super;">n </span> == a & (2^<span style="vertical-align: super;">n </span> - 1)</pre>
=Selected Publications=
* [[Mathematician#CSPeirce|Charles S. Peirce]] ('''1867'''). ''On an Improvement in Boole's Calculus of Logic''. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Series Vol. 7
* [[Mathematician#Cantor|Georg Cantor]] ('''1874'''). ''[,_G._(1874):_Ueber_eine_Eigenschaft_des_Inbegriffs_aller_reellen_algebraischen_Zahlen Ueber eine Eigenschaft des Inbegriffes aller reellen algebraischen Zahlen]''. [ Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik], No. 77
* [[Mathematician#CSPeirce|Charles S. Peirce]] ('''1880'''). ''[ On the Algebra of Logic]''. [ American Journal of Mathematics], Vol. 3
* [[Mathematician#CSPeirce|Charles S. Peirce]] ('''1880'''). ''[ On the Algebra of Logic]''. [ American Journal of Mathematics], Vol. 3
* [[Mathematician#Venn|John Venn]] ('''1880'''). ''[ On the Diagrammatic and Mechanical Representation of Propositions and Reasonings]''. [ Philosophical Magazine], Vol. 9, No. 5
* [[Mathematician#Venn|John Venn]] ('''1881'''). ''[ Symbolic Logic]''. MacMillan & Co.
==1900 ...==
* [[Claude Shannon]] ('''1938'''). ''[ A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits]''. [ Transactions of the AIEE], Vol. 57, No 12, Master's thesis 1940, [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]]
* [[Mathematician#VIShestakov|Victor I. Shestakov]] ('''1941'''). ''Algebra of Two Poles Schemata''. [ Automatics and Telemechanics], Vol. 5, No 2
==1950 ...==
* [ [Mathematician#LLyusternik|Lazar A. Lyusternik]], [ [Mathematician#AAbramov|Aleksandr A. Abramov]], [ [Mathematician#VIShestakov|Victor I. Shestakov]], [[Mikhail R. Shura-Bura]] ('''1952'''). ''Programming for High-Speed Electronic Computers''. (Программирование для электронных счетных машин)
* [[Christopher Strachey]] ('''1961'''). ''Bitwise operations''. [[ACM#Communications|Communications of the ACM]], Vol. 4, No. 3
==2000 ...==
* [[Henry S. Warren, Jr.]] ('''2002, 2012'''). ''[[Henry S. Warren, Jr.#HackersDelight|Hacker's Delight]]''. [ Addison-Wesley]
* [[Donald Knuth]] ('''2009'''). ''[ The Art of Computer Programming], Volume 4, Fascicle 1: Bitwise tricks & techniques'', as [ Pre-Fascicle 1a postscript]
* [[Ronald L. Rivest]] ('''2011'''). ''The invertibility of the XOR of rotations of a binary word''. [ International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 88], [ 2009 pdf preprint]
=Forum Posts=
==2000 ...==
* [ curiosity killed the cat... hi/lo bit C verses Assembly] by [[Dann Corbit]], [[CCC]], July 17, 2003
* [ mask of highest bit] by [[Andrew Shapira]], [[CCC]], September 21, 2005
==2010 ...==
* [ How to Shift Left (by) a Negative Number??] by [[Steve Maughan]], [[CCC]], April 05, 2013
* [ To shift or not to shift] by thevinenator, [[Computer Chess Forums|OpenChess Forum]], September 09, 2015» [[Space-Time Tradeoff]]* [ Question about resetting a bit in a bitboard corresponding to a given square] by guenther, [[Computer Chess Forums|FishCooking]], September 09, 2016 » [[#ResetBit|Reset Bit]]* [!topic/fishcooking/TplkvO62I9U On the speed of SquareBB array] by protonspring, [[Computer Chess Forums|FishCooking]], March 22, 2019==2020 ...==* [ C++20 standard bit operations] by [[Jon Dart]], [[CCC]], November 15, 2020 » [[Population Count]], [[BitScan]], [[Cpp|C++]]
=External Links=
* [ Linear congruence theorem from Wikipedia]
* [[Videos#:Category:Casiopea|Casiopea]] - Conjunction, [ Perfect Live] (1986), [ YouTube] Video
: {{#evu:|alignment=left|valignment=top}}
* [[Videos#HuxFlux:Category:Hux Flux|Hux Flux]] - Bitshifter, [ Division by Zero], [ YouTube] Video
: {{#evu:|alignment=left|valignment=top}}
'''[[Bitboards|Up one Level]]'''
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