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10,647 bytes added, 15:44, 30 October 2018
Created page with "'''Home * Engines * CookieCat''' '''CookieCat''', an educational open source chess program by Steven Edwards designed for peda..."
'''[[Main Page|Home]] * [[Engines]] * CookieCat'''

an educational [[:Category:Open Source|open source chess program]] by [[Steven Edwards]] designed for pedagogical purposes, written in [[Pascal#FreePascal|Free Pascal]] <ref>[ Free Pascal wiki]</ref>. CookieCat evolved from the earlier '''Bozochess''' project <ref>[ Release date target] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], October 16, 2011</ref> announced in October 2011 <ref>[ Announcement: The Bozochess Project] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], October 05, 2011</ref>, renamed in December 2011 <ref>[ The name change] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 16, 2011</ref>, and first released in January 2012 <ref>[ CookieCat source via the net] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 26, 2012</ref> under the [ permissive] [ BSD License]. However, Steven's wish that his CookieCat should be easily searchable on the net without too many false positives didn't fulfill when [ Steven Universe] came up with a fictional character <ref>[ Cookie Cat (character) | Steven Universe Wiki]</ref> and ice cream <ref>[ Cookie Cat | Steven Universe Wiki ]</ref> in 2013.

CookieCat utilizes [[Bitboards|bitboards]] as basic data structure [[Board Representation|to represent]] the board. Inside CookieCat's source code <ref>Description is based on the source code - CookieCat.pas</ref>, there are three groups of routines named after some of Steven's [ feline] companions. There are the '''Lucky''' [[Evaluation|positional evaluator]] routines, the '''Smokey''' [[Mate Search|mate finder]] routines, and the '''Spooky''' general [[Search|search]] routines. The names were chosen not so much to be cute, but rather to make it easier for others to identify the program's functional organization <ref>[ CookieCat and Cookie Cat] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 08, 2012</ref>. CookieCat features five [[Hash Table|hash-tables]], beside the [[Transposition Table|main transposition table]], an [[Endgame Tablebases|endgame tablebase]] cache, a [[Pawn Hash Table|pawn hash table]], [[Evaluation Hash Table|evaluation hash table]], and a dedicated [[Perft|perft hash table]], and can further probe an [[Opening Book|opening book]] <ref> [ CookieCat's opening book implementation] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 05, 2012</ref> and [[Edwards' Tablebases|Edwards' tablebases]].
<span id="Bitboard"></span>
==Bitboard Infrastructure==
[[Bitboards]] are defined as union ([ variable structure]) of four 16-bit [[Word|words]] and one 64 bit value:
bbtype =
case Boolean of
False: (wvec: array [bbwtype] of bbwspantype); { Array of bitboard words }
True: (bv64: ui64type) { Unsigned 64 bit value }
<span id="Popcount"></span>[[Population Count|Population count]] and <span id="BitScan"></span>[[BitScan]] rely on [[Population Count#Lookup|16-bit lookups]]:
function BbCount(var bb: bbtype): cctype; inline;
myresult: cctype;
bbw: bbwtype;
with bb do
myresult := 0;
for bbw := bbwmin to bbwmax do
myresult := myresult + bitcountvec[wvec[bbw]]
BbCount := myresult
end; { BbCount }

function BbFirstSq(var bb: bbtype): sqxtype; inline;
myresult: sqxtype;
bbwindex: Integer;
wordfirstbit: Integer;
with bb do
myresult := sqnil;
bbwindex := 0;
while (myresult = sqnil) and (bbwindex < bbwlen) do
wordfirstbit := bitfirstvec[wvec[bbwindex]];
if wordfirstbit >= 0 then
myresult := sqxtype(wordfirstbit + (bbwindex * bbwbitlen))
BbFirstSq := myresult
end; { BbFirstSq }
CookieCat's [[Search|search]] dubbed '''Spooky''' is implemented as [[Iterative Search|iterative search]] using a [ finite-state machine] as nested procedure inside SpookyFindMove, which structure is outlined in following snippet:
{ ***** Spooky search routines ***** }
procedure SpookyFindMove(var ssc: ssctype);
procedure SpookyPrepareRoot;
procedure SpookyIterationSequence;
procedure SpookyIterate;
procedure SpookySearch;
procedure SpookyLimitTestNode;
procedure SpookyMovePick;
procedure SpookyOrderMoves;
procedure SpookyPickThis(index: Integer);
procedure SpookyMinimax;
begin { SpookySearch }
with ssc do
while pirvec[ply].nss <> nssexit do
case pirvec[ply].nss of
nssplystart: { Search state: Initialize processing at this node }
nssfirdrawtest: { Search state: Draw tests for fiftymoves/insufficient/repetition }
nsstbprobe: { Search state: Probe the tablebases }
nssstandtest: { Search state: Gainer (QSearch ed.) search stand-pat evaluation and test }
nssgenerate: { Search state: Move generation }
nssmovepick: { Search state: Move pick }
nssexecute: { Search state: Execute the move and advance one ply }
nssretract: { Search state: Retreat one ply and retract the move }
nsspostscan: { Search state: Post move scan operations }
nssplyfinish: { Search state: Final processing for this node }
end; { SpookySearch }
end; { SpookyIterate }
end; { SpookyIterationSequence }
end; { SpookyFindMove }
'''Smokey''' is CookieCat's iterative [[Mate Search|mate finder]] with nested procedures outlined below:
{ ***** Smokey mate finder routines ***** }
procedure SmokeyFindMate(var ssc: ssctype; fmvc: Integer);
procedure SmokeySearch;
procedure SmokeyApplyKillerBonus;
with ssc do
while pirvec[ply].nss <> nssexit do
case pirvec[ply].nss of
end; { SmokeySearch }
end; { SmokeyFindMate }
'''Lucky''', CookieCat's [[Evaluation|evaluation]] function with [[Evaluation Hash Table|evaluation hash table]] and [[Pawn Hash Table|pawn hash table]] considers [[Material|material]], [[Pawn Structure|pawn structure]] with focus on [[Passed Pawn|passed pawns]] <ref>[ CookieCat's pawn structure code] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 07, 2012</ref>, and [[Mobility|piece mobility]].

<ref>Source code courtesy [[Steven Edwards]]</ref>
* [[File:CookieCat.tar]]

=See also=
* [[Bobcat]]
* [[Chess 0.5]]
* [[Various Classifications#Comics|Comics]]
* [[Various Classifications#Mammal|Mammal]]
* [[Murka]]
* [[Myopic]]
* [[Spector]]
* [[Symbolic]]
* [[WildCat]]

=Forum Posts=
* [ Announcement: The Bozochess Project] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], October 05, 2011
: [ Release date target] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], October 16, 2011
* [ BozoChess Monday release schedule] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 12, 2011
: [ The name change] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 16, 2011
* [ Number sequence puzzle] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 16, 2011 » [[Endgame Tablebases]] <ref>[ A018214 - OEIS | Alkane (or paraffin) numbers]</ref>
* [ CookieCat Monday release schedule] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 19, 2011
* [ Tablebase class name list available] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 19, 2011 » [[Endgame Tablebases]]
* [ CookieCat sample games] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 24, 2011
* [ CookieCat goes mulithreaded] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], December 31, 2011 » [[Perft]]
==2012 ...==
* [ CookieCat's opening book implementation] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 05, 2012 » [[Opening Book]]
* [ CookieCat's pawn structure code] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 07, 2012
* [ CookieCat's early search termination] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 07, 2012
* [ CookieCat and Cookie Cat] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 08, 2012
* [ CookieCat source via the net] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 26, 2012
* [ CookieCat and perft] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], October 14, 2012
* [ For a limited time, two sources] by [[Steven Edwards]], [[CCC]], January 22, 2013 » [[Myopic]]

=External Links=
* [ Cookie from Wikipedia]
* [ Cat from Wikipedia]
* [ Lucky from Wikipedia]
* [ Smokey from Wikipedia]
* [ Smokey Stover from Wikipedia]
* [ Spooky from Wikipedia]

<references />
'''[[Engines|Up one level]]'''
[[Category:Open Source]]

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