Joël Rivat
Joël Rivat,
a French mathematician and computer scientist at University of the Mediterranean, Marseille. Joël's research covers analytic number theory, beside other things, the Piatetski-Shapiro Prime Number Theorem [2].
As computer chess programmer, Joël Rivat is early bitboard proponent, and author of the chess engine Chess Guru. He started chess programming in conjunction with C. Marche, G. Le Blanc in 1990, and rewrote everything using bitboards. After Robert Hyatt started using bitboards too, discussions and sharing new ideas permitted to improve the technique considerably [3] .
Selected Publications
- Joël Rivat (1992). Autour d'un théorème de Piatetski-Shapiro (Nombres premiers dans la suite [nc]). Ph.D. thesis, University of Paris-Sud XI - Orsay, Advisor Étienne Fouvry (French)
- Joël Rivat (1996). 3rd French Computer Chess Championship. Computer Chess Reports, Vol. 5, Nos. 3+4 » FCCC 1995
- Joël Rivat, Christian Mauduit (2007). Gelfond's conjecture on the sum-of-digits function. slides as pdf
Forum Posts
- move generators in computer chess by Joël Rivat, rgc, October 26, 1994
- bitboard move generator by Joël Rivat, rgc, November 13, 1994
- Chess programming using bitboards by Joël Rivat, rgcc, August 18, 1995
- approximate eval function by Joël Rivat, rgcc, September 20, 1995
- bitboard 2^i mod 67 is unique by Joël Rivat, rgcc, September 2, 1996 » BitScan