Christian Hesse
Home * People * Christian Hesse

Christian Hesse,
a German mathematician and professor at Institute of Stochastics and Applications, University of Stuttgart [2], teaching mathematical statistics. He received his Ph.D. in 1987 from Harvard University where his advisor was Herman Chernoff [3], further lecturing at University of California, Berkeley before moving to Stuttgart in 1991. His research in the areas of statistics and probability theory include stochastic modelling of systems with interaction, and analyzing data. His further interest includes chess, and its correlations with the wider world, in particular recreational mathematics.
During the Chess Olympiad, Dresden 2008, he served as chess ambassador and lectured the opening presentation of the Olympiad side event Workshop Chess and Mathematics. His book The joys of chess [4] covers topics related to chess programming, such as elaborating on Larry Kaufman's work on the value of the pieces and the evaluation of material imbalances [5] [6].
Selected Publications
- Christian Hesse (1987). Limit Theorems for Linear Processes and Applications. Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, advisor Herman Chernoff [8]
2000 ...
- Christian Hesse (2003). Angewandte Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Vieweg+Teubner (German)
- Christian Hesse (2004). Fisher Numbers. ICGA Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1
- Christian Hesse (2007). Expeditionen in die Schachwelt. Chessgate (German)
- Christian Hesse (2009). Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen und Anwendungen. Vieweg+Teubner (German)
- Christian Hesse (2009). Warum Mathematik glücklich macht. C.H. Beck (German)
- Christian Hesse (2009, 2014). Das kleine Einmaleins des klaren Denkens: 22 Denkwerkzeuge für ein besseres Leben. C.H. Beck (German)
2010 ...
- Christian Hesse (2011). The Joys of Chess - Heroes, Battles & Brilliancies. New In Chess [9] [10] [11]
- Christian Hesse (2011). Achtung Denkfalle! C.H. Beck (German)
- Christian Hesse (2013, 2015). Was Einstein seinem Papagei erzählte. C.H. Beck (German)
- Christian Hesse (2014). Wer falsch rechnet, den bestraft das Leben. C.H. Beck (German)
- Christian Hesse (2015). Damenopfer. C.H. Beck (German) [12] [13]
- Christian Hesse (2016). Math up your Life! C.H. Beck (German)
- Christian Hesse (2017). Mathe to go. C.H. Beck (German)
- Christian Hesse (2018). Leben²: Wie Sie mit Mathematik Ihre Ehe verbessern, länger leben und glücklich werden. Gütersloher Verlagshaus (German) [14]
2020 ...
- Christian Hesse (2021). Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen und Anwendungen. Springer Spektrum (German)
ChessBase Postings
- Is chess more complete than life?, ChessBase News, July 11, 2007
- Chess: the ultimate invisible game, ChessBase News, August 23, 2007
- Chess Expeditions: Humor in Chess, ChessBase News, October 09, 2007
- A great moment in chess (Part 1), ChessBase News, November 27, 2007
- A great moment in chess (Part 2), ChessBase News, January 15, 2008
- A great moment in chess (Part 3), ChessBase News, April 17, 2008
- A great moment in chess (Part 4), ChessBase News, September 09, 2008
- Schach: Flow und mathematisches Modell, Interview mit Professor Christian Hesse, ChessBase News, November 15, 2008 (German)
- A Mathematical Chessboard Paradox, ChessBase News, March 24, 2009
- Ein Schachschiedsrichter, ein Mathematiker, ein Gespräch, ChessBase News, March 30, 2009 (German)
- The joys of chess – and the value of the pieces, ChessBase News, December 21, 2011
- Hesse: Threats of the nth degree, ChessBase News, February 05, 2016
External Links
- University of Stuttgart - department of mathematics - Prof. Dr. Christian Hesse
- Christian Hesse from (German)
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Christian Hesse
- Christian Hesse: Kann man Zufall und Unvorhergesehenes wie Glück und Pech berechnen?, ARD-alpha, March 12, 2018 (German)
- Mathe mit Schwanke und Hesse, YouTube Videos with Karsten Schwanke and Christian Hesse, 2019, (German), ARD-alpha
- BTD12: Schach, Mathematik & Schönheit (German), June 2019, Munich, YouTube Video
- ↑ Christian Hesse, Chess Olympiad 2008, Photographer Gerhard Hund, Christian Hesse from (German)
- ↑ University of Stuttgart - department of mathematics - Prof. Dr. Christian Hesse
- ↑ Christian Hesse (1987). Limit Theorems for Linear Processes and Applications. Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, advisor Herman Chernoff
- ↑ Christian Hesse (2011). The Joys of Chess - Heroes, Battles & Brilliancies. New In Chess
- ↑ Larry Kaufman (1999). The Evaluation of Material Imbalances. (first published in Chess Life March 1999, online version edited by Dan Heisman)
- ↑ The joys of chess – and the value of the pieces, ChessBase News, December 21, 2011
- ↑ Publikationen - Christian Hesse
- ↑ The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Christian Hesse, Christian Hesse from (German)
- ↑ The joys of chess – and the value of the pieces, ChessBase News, December 21, 2011
- ↑ Hesse: Threats of the nth degree, ChessBase News, February 05, 2016
- ↑ Copying by Edward Winter
- ↑ Christian Hesse: Damenopfer by Dagobert Kohlmeyer,, May 18, 2015 (German)
- ↑ Damenopfer - leseprobe_damenopfer.pdf
- ↑ Buchkritik zu »Leben2« - Spektrum der Wissenschaft (German)