World Chess Software Championship

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Home * Tournaments * World Chess Software Championship

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The World Chess Software Championship (WCSC) is an annual event organized by the ICGA, where computer chess engines compete against each other on uniform platform. The World Chess Software Championship was a result of the discussions on the requirements imposts on programs participating in a World Computer Chess Championship. During the preparations for the 17th WCCC in Pamplona there was a long lasting and serious discussion on number of cores to be allowed to participate.


In September 2009, the ICGA announced following decision [1] :

As a result of this input from the participants the ICGA has decided upon the following for the 2010 WCCC and subsequent years:

  1. The World Computer Chess Championship for the Shannon Trophy will be contested by teams who have no Restriction placed on them as to their choice of hardware.
  2. A new tournament will be introduced called the "World Chess Software Championship" to be held at the same location and during the same period as the WCCC. This will be a uniform platform event using computers loaned by the host organisation. In each game played in this tournament the two computers will be, so far as is possible, identical with respect to their hardware capabilities: number of cores, processor speed, memory size.
  3. Participants may compete in either or both of these tournaments for a single entry fee.
  4. The time control for the WCCC will be such as to aim for a 4-hour playing session, namely all moves in 1 hour 45 minutes plus an increment of 15 seconds per move.
  5. The time limit for the WCSC will be such as to aim for a 2-hour playing session, namely all moves in 45 minutes plus an increment of 15 seconds per move.
  6. The WCCC will be an 11-round Swiss System event if there are more than 12 entries, otherwise an all-play-all event.
  7. The number of rounds for the WCSC will be decided according to the number of entries in both events but there will be at least 9 rounds in the WCSC.
  8. There will as usual be a rest day for an excursion and time set aside for the speed championship.

David Levy President ICGA


Edition Event Origin ICGA Participants Champion
1st WCSC 2010 JAIST, Kanazawa Japan Kanazawa 2010 9 Shredder
2nd WCSC 2011 Tilburg University, Tilburg The Netherlands Tilburg 2011 5 HIARCS
3rd WCSC 2013 Keio University Kyosei-kan, Yokohama Japan Yokohama 2013 6 HIARCS
4th WCSC 2015 Leiden University, Leiden The Netherlands Leiden 2015 8 Shredder
5th WCSC 2016 Leiden University, Leiden The Netherlands WCSC 2016 7 Komodo
6th WCSC 2017 Leiden University, Leiden The Netherlands WCSC 2017 7 Shredder
7th WCSC 2018 Stockholm Sweden WCSC 2018 9 Komodo
8th WCSC 2019 Macau China WCSC 2019 6 Komodo
9th WCSC 2022 Vienna Austria WCSC 2022 6 Ginkgo
10th WCSC 2023 Valencia Spain WCSC 2023 4 Fritz

See also



  1. WCCC 2010 by Harvey Williamson, Hiarcs Forum, September 28, 2009

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