Tamal T. Biswas
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Tamal T. Biswas [1]
Tamal Tanu Biswas,
a Bangladeshi born electrical engineer, computer scientist and lecturer the CS department at University of Rochester. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from University at Buffalo, Amherst, New York, USA under advisor Kenneth W. Regan. His research includes psychology and human decision-making. Along with Ken Regan he conducted empirical studies in the domain of chess to compare move preferences of human chess players of various skills with move preferences of strong chess engines, and works on how to incorporate search depth and therefore time into the decision-making model [2].
Selected Publications
2013 ...
- Kenneth W. Regan, Tamal T. Biswas (2013). Psychometric modeling of decision making via game play. CIG 2013, slides as pdf
- Kenneth W. Regan, Tamal T. Biswas, Jason Zhou (2014). Human and Computer Preferences at Chess. pdf
2015 ...
- Tamal T. Biswas, Kenneth W. Regan (2015). Quantifying Depth and Complexity of Thinking and Knowledge. ICAART 2015, pdf
- Guy Haworth, Tamal T. Biswas, Kenneth W. Regan (2015). A Comparative Review of Skill Assessment: Performance, Prediction and Profiling. Advances in Computer Games 14
- Tamal T. Biswas, Kenneth W. Regan (2015). Measuring Level-K Reasoning, Satisficing, and Human Error in Game-Play Data. IEEE ICMLA 2015, pdf preprint
- Tamal T. Biswas, Kenneth W. Regan (2015). Approximation of function evaluation over sequence arguments via specialized data structures. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 607
- Tamal T. Biswas (2015). Measuring Intrinsic Quality of Human Decisions. LNCS 9346, Springer
- Tamal T. Biswas (2016). Measuring Intrinsic Quality of Human Decisions. Ph.D. thesis, University at Buffalo, advisor Kenneth W. Regan
External Links
- ↑ Image from Depth of Satisficing by Ken Regan, Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP, October 06, 2015
- ↑ Depth of Satisficing by Ken Regan, Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP, October 06, 2015
- ↑ dblp: Tamal Biswas
- ↑ Regan's latest: Depth of Satisficing by Carl Lumma, CCC, October 09, 2015