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Shifted Bitboards

433 bytes added, 15:34, 23 January 2021
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quite similar to the [[Classical Approach|Classical Approach]]. While the Classical Approach performs a [[BitScan|bitscan]], either [[BitScan#Bitscanforward|forward]] or [[BitScan#Bitscanreverse|reverse]] to determine the first blocker (if any) for the covered ray-attack [[General Setwise Operations#ExclusiveOr|exclusion]] by a ray-square lookup,
Shifted Bitboards performs a [[Fill Algorithms|fill-like]] [[General Setwise Operations#Union|union]] of all six [[General Setwise Operations#ShiftingBitboards|direction shifts]] of the blocker(s) from one to six (the maximum amount of covered squares behind a blocker), which were then [[General Setwise Operations#XorWithout|excluded]] from the initial [[On an empty Board#RayAttacks|empty board ray-wise attack set]].
U64 rayAttacks[8][64]; // requires initialization
U64 getRightRayAttacks(U64 occupied, enumSquare square) {
U64 attacks = rayAttacks[right][square];
U64 blocker = attacks & occupied;
if ( blocker ) {
blocker = (blocker << 1) | (blocker << 2)
| (blocker << 3) | (blocker << 4)
| (blocker << 5) | (blocker << 6);
attacks ^= (blocker & attacks);
return attacks;
=See also=

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