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2 bytes added, 22:36, 17 May 2023
The Search Tree: todo: write DAG article, there was a Lc0 related paper to solve MCTS transpositions via DAG representation
=The Search Tree=
The [[Search Tree|search tree]] as subset of the [[Search Space|search space]] is a [ directed graph] of [[Node|nodes]], the alternating white and black to move [[Chess Position|chess positions]] - and edges connecting two nodes, representing the [[Moves|moves]] of either side. The [[Root|root]] of the search-tree is the position we like to evaluate to find the [[Best Move|best move]]. Because of [[Transposition|transpositions]] due to different move sequences, nodes inside the tree may occur from various ancestors - even within a different number of moves. The search tree contains various cycles, since both sides may [[Repetitions|repeat]] a former position with the minimum of two reversible moves each, or four [[Ply|plies]]. Cycles are usually eliminated and not searched twice, which results in searching a [ directed acyclic graph] ([[DAG)]].
* [[Search Space]]
* [[Search Tree]]

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