Richard P. Cochran

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Home * People * Richard P. Cochran

Richard Cochran [1]

Richard P. Cochran,
an American computer scientist and software engineer, involved in the Real-Time Linux development and implementation of the Precision Time Protocol [2]. He graduated at Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst.


At UMass Amherst, Richard Cochran worked with Paul E. Utgoff on a new search idea, dubbed Least-Certainty Heuristic for Selective Search (LCF), a selective best-first algorithm by iterative expansion of leaf nodes, introduced at the 2nd Computer and Games 2000 Conference in Hamamatsu, Japan. The algorithm is closest in spirit to conspiracy numbers, but discards buckets of supposed target values in favor of a real-valued approach. It was disappointing that LCF did not produce stronger play than Alpha-Beta while applied to Amazons and Othello [3].

Selected Publications

[4] [5]

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