Home * Software * Utilities * pgn-extract
an open source command-line PGN tool by David J. Barnes, written in C and licensed under the GPL v3.0,
for searching, manipulating and formatting chess games recorded in the Portable Game Notation (PGN) or something close.
pgn-extract is capable of handling files containing millions of games and also recognises Chess960 encodings [1].
See also
- pgn-extract filesize limitations by Joshua Shriver, CCC, May 19, 2010
- Programming++: building on what has gone before by David J. Barnes, kentdjb, March 30, 2013
- PGN extract to FEN with best move option by Ray Bongalon, CCC, August 04, 2016
- Chess game data mining: exploring the advantage of the bishop pair with pgn-extract by David J. Barnes, kentdjb, October 14, 2018