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Home * Hardware * PDP-6

PDP-6, (Programmed Data Processor-6)
DEC's first 36-bit [5] personal mainframe computer developed and manufactured from 1963, and shipped since 1964 [6], influential for the later PDP-10 with almost identical instruction sets. Addressing remained 18-bit, as in earlier DEC machines, allowing for a 256 Kiword main magnetic core memory, optionally with 16 words of fast memory constructed from discrete transistor flip-flops [7]. Output could be displayed on a DEC 340 display [8] [9] [10] [11] [12].

Already supporting Time-sharing, the operating system used was an early version of what later became TOPS-10, and several sites made custom versions of the system, available as source code. The PDP-6 with serial number 2 was donated to MIT's [13] Project MAC, where it was used to develop the ITS operating system. Richard Greenblatt et al. developed the Mac Hack VI chess program entirely in MIDAS, the PDP-6 macro assembler.


Bell and Kotok

Dec pdp-6.lg.jpg

Gordon Bell and Alan Kotok at PDP-6 in 1964 [14]

Robert Q

First tournament game by a computer, Carl Wagner (2190) - Robert Q, January 21, 1967 [15]


Allen Moulton and R. William Gosper operating "Robert Q" on a PDP-6 [16]

See also

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