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Home * Software * Linux

The Linuxhotel [1]

a Unix compatible operating system written by Linus Torvalds [2] and contributors. It has gained widespread use in most every aspect of computing technology. Linux's support for consumer grade chess engines and GUIs is not great, but is improving. Once, XBoard with GNU Chess was the only program, but now the commercial Shredder, and the free PyChess, Scid vs. PC, Cute Chess and Arena have polished interfaces and are easy to use. The powerful and fast database program, SCID (and it's many derivatives), make Linux a valid choice for chess professionals preparing for tournament matches.

Chess GUIs

Chess Engines

User Interfaces


OS Internals

IDE home



GNU C Library - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation


GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection
Intel® Compilers

Calling Conventions

Agner Fog describes x86 and x86-64 calling conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems, covering 32-bit and 64-bit Linux [3] :

The document contains details about data representation, function calling conventions, register usage conventions, name mangling schemes, etc. for many different C++ compilers and operating systems. Discusses compatibilities and incompatibilities between different C++ compilers. Includes information that is not covered by the official Application Binary Interface standards (ABI's). The information provided here is based on my own research and therefore descriptive rather than normative. Intended as a source of reference for programmers who want to make function libraries compatible with multiple compilers or operating systems and for makers of compilers and other development tools who want their tools to be compatible with existing tools.

Other Languages

See also



  • Vincent Danjean (1999). Extending the Linux kernel with Activations for Better Support of Multithreaded Programs and Integration in PM2. Master thesis, Magistère d'informatique et modélisation (MIM), ENS Lyon, Sep. 1999, zipped ps

2000 ...

2010 ...

Forum Posts

2000 ...

2005 ...

2010 ...

2015 ...

2020 ...

Further Links


Knoppix from Wikipedia
Ubuntu from Wikipedia

Chess GUIs

Chess Databases

  • Scid vs. PC Currently without support for the latest Scid database format.
  • ChessX Gorgeous, but feature poor, QT based utility.
  • Scidb Still in development, but promises ChessBase support (read-only)


  1. Villa Vogelsang at the banks of river Ruhr, Essen Horst, Germany, domiciling the Linuxhotel GmbH, offering not only accommodation, but courses around Linux, applications, development, open-source, operating system, and web topics - part of The Industrial Heritage Trail of the Ruhr area. Photo by Gerd Isenberg, June 23, 2015
  2. Linus' blog
  3. Calling conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems (pdf) by Agner Fog

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