Ira Ruben

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Home * People * Ira Ruben

Ira L. Ruben,
an American computer scientist and former chess programmer. While affiliated with Sperry Univac in the 70s [1], he was co-author of the chess program CHAOS, along with Fred Swartz, Mike Alexander, Victor Berman, William Toikka, and Joe Winograd and later Mark Hersey and Jack O’Keefe [2]. CHAOS was one of the strongest programs of the 70s and early 80s, using an unique, knowledge based and selective best-first, iterative widening approach, keeping the search tree in memory [3]. Short after the WCCC 1980 in Linz and the playoff for the title versus Belle, Ira Ruben left the CHAOS team to work for Apple Inc..


CHAOS Team circa 1972.gif

CHAOS Team circa 1972 with UNIVAC 1108 Computer in Cinnaminson, NJ
From left, Fred Swartz (rear), Vic Berman (front), Bill Toikka, Ira Ruben (seated), Joe Winograd [4]

See also

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  1. Computer Chess Newsletter, Issue 2 1977 by Douglas Penrod, Courtesy of Peter Jennings, pdf from The Computer History Museum
  2. pp. 52, Table I. History of the ACM Tournaments from Ben Mittman, Monroe Newborn (1980). Computer chess at ACM 79: the tournament and the man vs. man and machine match. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 23, Issue 1, pdf from The Computer History Museum
  3. The Eleventh ACM's North American Computer Chess Championship as pdf reprint from The Computer History Museum
  4. Photo courtesy Joe Winograd

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