Harald Prokop

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Home * People * Harald Prokop

Harald Prokop [1]

Harald Prokop,
a German computer scientist, since 2012 CTO at LevelUp [2], and before senior vice president of engineering at Akamai. Harald Prokop received an undergraduate degree in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe, and a masters degree in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT [3], where his advisor was Charles Leiserson. He researched and published on cache-oblivious algorithms, co-authored the paper on using De Bruijn sequences for bitscan purposes, and was involved in the Cilk project [4] and the development of the chess program CilkChess [5]. During the WCCC 1999 in Paderborn, while CilkChess was in the hand of Charles Leiserson and Don Dailey, Harald Prokop served as operator of Mini.

Selected Publications

[6] [7]

1998 ...

2010 ...

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