Fernand Gobet

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Home * People * Fernand Gobet

Fernand Gobet [1]

Fernand Gobet,
a Swiss psychologist and international master in chess [2], professor of psychological sciences at University of Liverpool [3]. Former appointments include professor at Brunel University London, visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, and lecturer at University of Nottingham. He holds a Ph.D. from University of Fribourg, Switzerland, The memories of a chessplayer (in French) in Psychology, 1992.

At Carnegie Mellon University, Gobet collaborated with Herbert Simon and together with Peter Jansen, member of the Deep Thought team, he wrote the pattern learning chess program CHUMP, which was introduced as A chess program based on a model of human memory [4] at the 7th Advances in Computer Chess conference, July 1-2, 1993. With Adriaan de Groot he wrote the book Perception and memory in chess [5].

Chunk Hierarchies

Fernand Gobet is principal investigator of CHREST, an acronym for Chunk Hierarchy and REtrieval STructures [6], and is a complete computational model for the processes of learning and perception used by human experts in a variety of domains. One application of CHREST was the pattern learning chess program CHUMP.

See also

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1993 ...

2000 ...

2005 ...

2010 ...

2015 ...

External Links


  1. Image by LaMèreVeille, February 28, 2018, Fernand Gobet from Wikipedia
  2. The chess games of Fernand Gobet from chessgames.com
  3. Fernand Gobet - University of Liverpool
  4. Fernand Gobet, Peter Jansen (1994). Towards a Chess Program Based on a Model of Human Memory. Advances in Computer Chess 7
  5. Adriaan de Groot, Fernand Gobet (1996). Perception and memory in chess. Heuristics of the professional eye. Assen: Van Gorcum, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-232-2949-5. Chapter 9; A discussion: Two authors, two different views? word reprint.
  6. CHREST Home
  7. ICGA Reference Database
  8. dblp: Fernand Gobet
  9. Dennis H. Holding (1992). Theories of Chess Skill. Psychological Research, Vol. 54, No. 1
  10. Robert W. Howard (1999). Preliminary Real-World Evidence That Average Human Intelligence Really is Rising. Intelligence, Vol. 27, No. 3
  11. Alexandre Linhares, Paulo Brum (2007). Understanding our understanding of strategic scenarios: What role do chunks play. Cognitive Science, 31, pdf
  12. Alexandre Linhares, Paulo Brum (2009). How Can Experts See the Invisible? Reply to Bilalic and Gobet. Cognitive Science, Vol 33, No. 5
  13. Pertti Saariluoma, Tei Laine (2001). Novice construction of chess memory. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 2
  14. Alexandre Linhares, Anna Elizabeth T. A. Freitas (2010). Questioning Chase and Simon's (1973) “Perception in chess”: The “experience recognition” hypothesis. New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 28, No. 1
  15. Neil Charness (2012). Patterns of theorizing about chess skill - Commentary on Linhares and Freitas (2010) and Lane and Gobet (2011). New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 30, No. 3

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