Fernand Gobet
Fernand Gobet,
a Swiss psychologist and international master in chess [2], professor of psychological sciences at University of Liverpool [3]. Former appointments include professor at Brunel University London, visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, and lecturer at University of Nottingham. He holds a Ph.D. from University of Fribourg, Switzerland, The memories of a chessplayer (in French) in Psychology, 1992.
At Carnegie Mellon University, Gobet collaborated with Herbert Simon and together with Peter Jansen, member of the Deep Thought team, he wrote the pattern learning chess program CHUMP, which was introduced as A chess program based on a model of human memory [4] at the 7th Advances in Computer Chess conference, July 1-2, 1993. With Adriaan de Groot he wrote the book Perception and memory in chess [5].
Chunk Hierarchies
Fernand Gobet is principal investigator of CHREST, an acronym for Chunk Hierarchy and REtrieval STructures [6], and is a complete computational model for the processes of learning and perception used by human experts in a variety of domains. One application of CHREST was the pattern learning chess program CHUMP.
See also
Selected Publications
1993 ...
- Fernand Gobet (1993). A Computer Model of Chess Memory. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 463-468.
- Fernand Gobet, Peter Jansen (1994). Towards a Chess Program Based on a Model of Human Memory. Advances in Computer Chess 7
- Howard B. Richman, Fernand Gobet, James J. Staszewski, Herbert Simon (1995). Perceptual and Memory Processes in the Acquisition of Expert Performance: The EPAM Model. Complex Information Processing, Working Paper #528
- Adriaan de Groot, Fernand Gobet (1996). Perception and memory in chess. Heuristics of the professional eye. Assen: Van Gorcum, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-232-2949-5. Chapter 9; A discussion: Two authors, two different views?
- Fernand Gobet, Herbert Simon (1996). Templates in Chess Memory: A Mechanism for Recalling Several Boards. Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 31, pp. 1-40.
- Fernand Gobet, Herbert Simon (1996). Recall of random and distorted positions: Implications for the theory of expertise. Memory & Cognition, 24, 493-503.
- Fernand Gobet, Herbert Simon (1996). Recall of rapidly presented random chess positions is a function of skill. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Vol. 3
- Fernand Gobet (1997). A Pattern-Recognition Theory of Search in Expert Problem Solving. Thinking and Reasoning, Vol. 3, No. 4
- Fernand Gobet (1997). Can Deep Blue make us happy? Reflections on Human and Artificial Expertise. AAAI Workshop: Deep Blue Versus Kasparov: The Significance for Artificial Intelligence 1997
- Fernand Gobet, Howard B. Richman, James J. Staszewski, Herbert Simon (1997). Goals, Representations, and Strategies in a Concept Attainment Task: The EPAM model. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 37, pdf
- Fernand Gobet (1998). Chess players’ thinking revisited. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 57, 18-32.
- Fernand Gobet, Herbert Simon (1998). Expert chess memory: Revisiting the chunking hypothesis. Memory, Vol. 6
- Fernand Gobet (1998). Memory for the Meaningless: How Chunks Help. Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
- Fernand Gobet, Herbert Simon (1998). Pattern recognition makes search possible: Comments on Holding (1992). Psychological Research, Vol. 61 [9]
- Fernand Gobet (1999). De Groot, A.D. The Father of Chess Psychology, New In Chess Magazine 1999/8, page 84
2000 ...
- Fernand Gobet, Herbert Simon (2000). Five Seconds or Sixty? Presentation Time in Expert Memory. Cognitive Science, Vol. 24, No. 4
- Fernand Gobet (2001). HERBERT A. SIMON (1916 - 2001): THE SCIENTIST OF THE ARTIFICIAL. ICCA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1
- Fernand Gobet, Peter Lane, Steve Croker, Peter C-H. Cheng, Gary Jones, Iain Oliver, Julian M. Pine (2001). Chunking mechanisms in human learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6
- Fernand Gobet (2001). Is Experts' Knowledge Modular? Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pdf
- Fernand Gobet, Guillermo Campitelli (2002). Intelligence and Chess. In Jean Retschitzki, Rosita Haddad-Zubel (eds.) (2002). Step by step. Proceedings of the 4th colloquium Board games in academia. Edition Universitaires Fribourg Suisse
- Fernand Gobet, Guillermo Campitelli, Andrew J. Waters (2002). Rise of human intelligence Comments on Howard (1999). Intelligence, Vol. 30 [10]
- Fernand Gobet (2003). Implicit learning of expert chess knowledge. AISB Quarterly, 114, 8.
- Fernand Gobet, Peter Lane (2004). CHREST tutorial: Simulations of human learning. CogSci 2004
- Fernand Gobet, Alex de Voogt, Jean Retschitzki (2004). Moves in Mind: The Psychology of Board Games. ISBN 1-84169-336-7. amazon.com
- Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet (2004). Adaptive Expert Decision making: Skilled Chess Players Search More and Deeper. ICGA Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4
2005 ...
- Fernand Gobet, Peter Jansen (2005). Training in Chess: A Scientific Approach. pdf
- Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet, Amanda Parker (2005). Structure and Stimulus Familiarity: A Study of Memory in Chess-Players with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, Vol. 8, No. 2
- Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet (2005). The mind's eye in blindfold chess. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology Vol. 17, 23-45
- Fernand Gobet (2005). Chunking Models of Expertise: Implications for Education. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 19, No. 2
- Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet (2006). Does chess need intelligence? A study with young chess players. Intelligence, 35, 457-470, pdf
- Fernand Gobet (2006). Adriaan de Groot: Marriage of two Passions. ICGA Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, pdf
- Richard L. Smith, Fernand Gobet, Peter Lane (2007). An Investigation into the Effect of Ageing on Expert Memory with CHREST. UKCI 2007
- Merim Bilalić, Fernand Gobet (2007). They do what they are told to do: The influence of instruction on (chess) expert perception - Commentary on Linhares and Brum (2007). Cognitive Science. pdf [11] [12]
- Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet (2007). The role of practice in chess: A longitudinal study. pdf
- Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet, Kay Head, Mark Buckley, Amanda Parker (2007). Brain localisation of memory chunks in chessplayers. International Journal of Neuroscience, 117, 1641-1659.
- Fernand Gobet (2007). Chunk hierarchies and retrieval structures: Comments on Saariluoma and Laine. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 42. pdf [13]
- Fernand Gobet (2008). The role of deliberate practice in expertise: Necessary but not sufficient. Cognitive Science Society
- Fernand Gobet, Philippe Chassy (2008). Season of birth and chess expertise. Journal of Biosocial Science, Vol. 40, No. 2, pdf
- Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet (2008). Why Good Thoughts Block Better Ones: The Mechanism of the Pernicious Einstellung (set) Effect. Cognition, Vol. 108, No. 3, preprint pdf
- Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet (2008). Inflexibility of experts—Reality or myth? Quantifying the Einstellung effect in chess masters. Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 56, No. 2
- Peter Lane, Fernand Gobet (2008). A methodology for developing computational implementations of scientific theories. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computer Modelling & Simulation
- Peter Lane, Fernand Gobet, Richard L. Smith (2008). Attention mechanisms in the CHREST cognitive architecture. Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Attention in Cognitive Systems
- Richard L. Smith, Fernand Gobet, Peter Lane (2009). Checking chess checks with chunks: A model of simple check detection. ICCM 2009
- Fernand Gobet, Philippe Chassy (2009). Expertise and Intuition: A Tale of Three Theories. Minds and Machines, Vol. 19, No. 2
- Guillermo Campitelli, Fernand Gobet (2009). Handedness, practice and talent in chess from ChessBase News, January 15, 2009
- Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet (2009). Specialization effect and its influence on memory and problem solving in expert chess players. Cognitive Science, Vol. 33, No. 6
2010 ...
- Fernand Gobet, Philippe Chassy, Merim Bilalić (2011). Foundations of Cognitive Psychology. McGraw Hill » amazon.com
- Peter Lane, Fernand Gobet (2011). Perception in chess and beyond: Commentary on Linhares and Freitas (2010). New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 29, No. 2 [14] [15]
- Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet (2011). Expert and “novice” problem solving strategies in chess: Sixty years of citing de Groot (1946). Thinking and Reasoning, Vol. 14, No. 4
- Peter Lane, Fernand Gobet (2012). A theory-driven testing methodology for developing scientific software. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 4
2015 ...
External Links
- ↑ Image by LaMèreVeille, February 28, 2018, Fernand Gobet from Wikipedia
- ↑ The chess games of Fernand Gobet from chessgames.com
- ↑ Fernand Gobet - University of Liverpool
- ↑ Fernand Gobet, Peter Jansen (1994). Towards a Chess Program Based on a Model of Human Memory. Advances in Computer Chess 7
- ↑ Adriaan de Groot, Fernand Gobet (1996). Perception and memory in chess. Heuristics of the professional eye. Assen: Van Gorcum, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-232-2949-5. Chapter 9; A discussion: Two authors, two different views? word reprint.
- ↑ CHREST Home
- ↑ ICGA Reference Database
- ↑ dblp: Fernand Gobet
- ↑ Dennis H. Holding (1992). Theories of Chess Skill. Psychological Research, Vol. 54, No. 1
- ↑ Robert W. Howard (1999). Preliminary Real-World Evidence That Average Human Intelligence Really is Rising. Intelligence, Vol. 27, No. 3
- ↑ Alexandre Linhares, Paulo Brum (2007). Understanding our understanding of strategic scenarios: What role do chunks play. Cognitive Science, 31, pdf
- ↑ Alexandre Linhares, Paulo Brum (2009). How Can Experts See the Invisible? Reply to Bilalic and Gobet. Cognitive Science, Vol 33, No. 5
- ↑ Pertti Saariluoma, Tei Laine (2001). Novice construction of chess memory. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 2
- ↑ Alexandre Linhares, Anna Elizabeth T. A. Freitas (2010). Questioning Chase and Simon's (1973) “Perception in chess”: The “experience recognition” hypothesis. New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 28, No. 1
- ↑ Neil Charness (2012). Patterns of theorizing about chess skill - Commentary on Linhares and Freitas (2010) and Lane and Gobet (2011). New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 30, No. 3