Ernst A. Heinz

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Home * People * Ernst A. Heinz

Ernst A. Heinz [1]

Ernst A. Heinz,
a German computer scientist affiliated with the UMIT, Hall in Tirol [2], and previously with the International University (IU) Bruchsal [3]. In 1993, Ernst A. Heinz and Peter Gillgasch, two students at the University of Karlsruhe, founded a computer-chess group and started to write a chess program, the rotated bitboard engine DarkThought [4], in 1994 joined by Markus Gille [5]. In 1997 Heinz started to write some recognized papers in the ICCA Journal, which were summarized and extended into his 1999 Ph.D thesis Scalable Search in Computer Chess, a revised version merchandised as book. From 1999 until 2002 Ernst A. Heinz was postdoc at MIT [6].

Scalable Search Topics

Selected Publications

[7] [8] [9]

1992 ...

1995 ...


2000 ...

2005 ...

External Links


  1. Chrilly Donninger (2000). Die Wissenschaft kehrt zurück - Computerschach-Forschung und das Buch von Ernst Heinz. CSS 2/00, pdf (German)
  2. David Bannach, Oliver Amft, Kai S. Kunze, Ernst A. Heinz, Gerhard Tröster, Paul Lukowicz (2007). Waving Real Hand Gestures Recorded by Wearable Motion Sensors to a Virtual Car and Driver in a Mixed-Reality Parking Game. CIG 2007
  3. Unternehmen Hochschule: Privatuni in Bruchsal ist pleite, Spiegel Online, July 22, 2009 (German)
  4. Rotated Bitboards from Ernst A. Heinz (1997). How DarkThought Plays Chess. ICCA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 3
  5. Ernst A. Heinz - Professional Experience
  6. Ernst A. Heinz's old personal pages at MIT
  7. ICGA Reference Database
  8. Scientific Articles in Books and Journals
  9. dblp: Ernst A. Heinz
  10. IPD Tichy - Prof. Dr. Ernst Heinz
  11. Dap Hartmann (2000). The Importance of being Scalable. ICGA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, Review
  12. Chrilly Donninger (2000). Die Wissenschaft kehrt zurück - Computerschach-Forschung und das Buch von Ernst Heinz. CSS 2/00, pdf (German)

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