Home * Dictionary
This page is intended as a dictionary, glossary or proxy of common chess programming terms. It is intended to facilitate the navigation, especially for the pages that do not have a clearly defined ancestor, and as a cross-reference between the pages containing similar material covered from the different angles. The latter situation might indicate that some kind of merging or re-editing is necessary.
Please enter the words in an alphabetical order.
- AAAI - Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- ABDADA - Alpha-Bêta Distribué avec Droit d'Anesse
- ABK - Arena's opening book format
- ACCA - Americas' Computer Chess Association
- ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
- All-Nodes
- Alpha
- Alpha-Beta
- ANN - Artificial Neural Network
- Annihilation of Defense
- Anti-Computerchess
- Anti-Diagonals
- Attacks
- Battery
- Best-First
- Beta
- Beta-Cutoff = Cutoff
- Big-endian
- BIN - PolyGlot opening book format
- Bit
- Bitboards
- BitScan
- Blockade
- Brute-Force
- Bound
- Butterfly Boards
- Byte
- Candidate - Candidate Passed Pawn
- Castling
- Castling Rights
- CCRL - Computer Chess Rating Lists
- CECP - Chess Engine Communication Protocol
- CEGT - Chess Engines Grand Tournament
- Center
- Centipawns
- Check
- Checkmate
- Chessboard
- Chess Engine Communication Protocol (CECP)
- CHREST - Chunk Hierarchy and REtrieval STructures
- CLI - Command Line Interface
- cn - Conspiracy Numbers
- Color
- Combination
- Contempt Factor
- CQL - Chess Query Language
- CSA - Computer Shogi Association
- CSVN - Computerschaak Vereniging Nederland
- CTG - ChessBase opening book format
- Cut-Nodes
- Cutoff = Beta-Cutoff
- Decoying
- Deflection
- Demolition of Pawns
- Depth - Search depth
- Depth-First
- Diagonals
- Diminishing Returns
- Discovered Attack
- Discovered Check
- Double
- Double Attack
- Double Check
- Double Word
- Draw
- DTC - Depth to Conversion
- DTM - Depth to Mate
- DTS - Dynamic Tree Splitting
- DTZ - Depth to Zeroing
- EBF - Effective Branching Factor
- ECO - Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings
- EGBB - Endgame Bitbases
- EGTB - Endgame Tablebases
- Endianness
- En passant
- En prise
- EPAM - Elementary Perceiver and Memorizer
- EPD - Extended Position Description
- ETC - Enhanced Transposition Cutoff
- Evaluation Function
- Exact Score
- Fail-Hard
- Fail-High
- Fail-High Nodes = Cut-Nodes
- Fail-Low
- Fail-Low Nodes = All-Nodes
- Fail-Soft
- Faker
- FAN - Figurine Algebraic Notation
- FEN - Forsyth-Edwards Notation
- Fifty-move rule
- FHR - Fail-High Reductions
- Fianchetto
- Files
- FRC - Fischer Random Chess, also known as Chess960
- Frontier Node
- Futility pruning
- G 6 - Gruppo Scacchi e Informatica (gsei)
- GHI = Graph History Interaction
- GUI - Graphical User Interface
- Half-open File = Semi-open File
- Hanging Pawns
- Hanging Piece
- HCE - Hand-Crafted Evaluation
- Hidden Passed Pawn = Sneaker
- History Heuristic
- Horizon Effect
- IBV - Integrated Bounds and Values
- ICCA - International Computer Chess Association (until 2002)
- ICGA - International Computer Games Association
- ID - Iterative Deepening
- IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Interception
- Interference
- IID - Internal Iterative Deepening
- IPON - Ingo's Ponder On Rating List
- KCEC - Kirr's Chess Engine Comparison
- Killer Move - Killer Heuristic
- LAN - Long Algebraic Notation
- LBR - Last Best Reply
- Leaf Nodes
- Little-endian
- LMP - Late Move Pruning, Move Count Based Pruning
- LMR - Late Move Reductions
- Loose Piece
- Lower Bound
- LOS - Likelihood of Superiority
- LS1B - Least Significant One Bit
- MAPP - Memory-aided Pattern Perceiver
- Mate = Checkmate
- MCTS - Monte-Carlo Tree Search
- Millipawns
- Minimax
- Moves
- MPC - Multi–ProbCut
- MS1B - Most Significant One Bit
- MTD(f) - Memory-enhanced Test Driver
- MVV-LVA - Most Valuable Victim - Least Valuable Aggressor
- Negamax
- NegaScout
- Nibble
- NIC-Key - New In Chess opening classification
- NMH - Null Move Heuristic
- NMMH - Neural MoveMap Heuristic
- NMO - Null Move Observation
- NN - Neural Network
- NNUE - Efficiently Updatable Neural Networks
- Node
- Node Types
- NPS - Nodes per Second
- Null Window
- NUMA - Non-Uniform Memory Access
- Pawns Breakthrough
- Passed Pawn
- PDS - Proof-Number and Disproof-Number Search
- Perft - Performance Test
- Permanent Brain = Pondering
- Pieces
- Piece-Square Tables
- Pin
- PGN - Portable Game Notation
- Ply
- PNS - Proof-Number Search (PnS, Pn-Search)
- Pondering
- Pre Frontier Node
- Pre-processing Piece-Square Tables
- Pre Scan Heuristics - Oracle
- Pruning
- PSH = Pre Scan Heuristics, Oracle
- PUCT - Predictor + UCT
- Pursuit (perpetual attack)
- PV - Principal Variation
- PV-Nodes
- PVS - Principal Variation Search
- PVS - Principal Variation Splitting
- Sacrifice
- SAN - Standard Algebraic Notation
- Scout - Scout-Algorithm
- SE - Singular Extensions
- SEE - Static Exchange Evaluation
- Semi-open file = Half-open File
- Sentry
- Shannon Trophy
- Sibling Node
- Side to move
- SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data
- Skewer
- SMP - Symmetric multiprocessing
- Sneaker = Hidden Passed Pawn
- SOMA - Swapping Off Material Analyzer
- SOMA - Smith One-Move Analyzer
- Space Clearance
- Square
- SSDF - Svenska schackdatorföreningen
- SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
- SSS = State Space Search like SSS* and Dual*
- Stalemate
- Strategy
- Stop Square
- SWAR - SIMD Within A Register
- Tactics
- TD - Temporal Difference Learning
- Triangulation
- TT - Transposition Table
- UCT - Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees
- UCI - Universal Chess Interface
- Undermining
- Upper Bound
- USI - Universal Shogi Interface
- WCCC - World Computer Chess Championship
- WCSC - World Chess Software Championship
- WinBoard
- Window
- WMCCC - World Microcomputer Chess Championship
- Word - Computer Word
- YBWC - Young Brothers Wait Concept