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Conspiracy Numbers

103 bytes added, 11:54, 8 December 2019
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[[FILE:ACC5Schaeffer.jpg|border|right|thumb|[[Jonathan Schaeffer]] on ''Conspiracy Numbers.'' <ref>Photo from [[Advances in Computer Chess 5]] by [[László Lindner]], [[ICGA Journal#10_3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3]], pp. 138</ref> ]]
'''Conspiracy Numbers''' of the [[Root|root]] or [[Interior Node|interior nodes]] of a [[Search Tree|search tree]] for some value '''v''' are defined as the least number of conspirators, that are [[Leaf Node|leaves]] that must change their evaluation value to '''v''' in order to change the minimax value of the interior node or root <ref>Definition, Sample, and Pseudo code taken from [[Maarten van der Meulen]] ('''1990'''). ''Conspiracy-Number Search''. [[ICGA Journal#13_1|ICCA Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1]]</ref>. Conspiracy Numbers and their possible application for [[Minimax]] search within a [[Best-First|best-first search]] algorithm was first described by [[David McAllester]] <ref>[[David McAllester]] ('''1988'''). ''Conspiracy Numbers for Min-Max Search''. [ Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 287-310. ISSN 0004-3702</ref>.
==1985 ...==
* [[David McAllester]] ('''1985'''). ''A New Procedure for Growing Minimax Trees''. Technical Report, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT
* [[David McAllester]] ('''1988'''). ''Conspiracy Numbers for Min-Max Search''. [ Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 287-310. ISSN 0004-3702
* [[Ingo Althöfer]] ('''1988'''). ''Root Evaluation Errors: How they Arise and Propagate''. [[ICGA Journal#11_23|ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, Nos. 2/3]]
* [[Maarten van der Meulen]] ('''1988'''). ''Parallel Conspiracy-Number Search''. M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, [ Vrije Universteit, Amsterdam]

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