Claude G. Diderich
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Claude G. Diderich,
a Luxembourg born, Swiss mathematician, computer scientist, and founder and director of innovate.d [2], a consulting company with focus on business model innovation, strategy design, and digital transformation, based in Richterswil, Switzerland.
He received his Ph.D. from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne in 1998 on the topic of Automatic Data Distribution for Massively Parallel Distributed Memory Computers.
His professional interests include combinatorial optimization problems, reasoning about game theory, minimax search, developing business and product strategies for financial service institutions as well as product lifecylce management [3].
Selected Publications
1990 ...
- Claude G. Diderich (1992). Evaluation des performance de l'algorithme SSS* avec phases de synchronisation sur une machine parallèle à mémoires distribées. Technical report LITH-99, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Computer Science Theory Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland (French)
- Claude G. Diderich (1993). A Bibliography on Minimax Trees. ACM SIGACT News, Vol. 24, No. 4
- Claude G. Diderich, Marc Gengler (1994). A parallel synchronized branch and bound algorithm. Supercomputing Review, Vol. 6
- Claude G. Diderich, Marc Gengler (1995). Experiments with a Parallel Synchronized Branch and Bound Algorithm. Parallel Algorithms for Irregular Problems: State of the Art, Springer
- Claude G. Diderich, Marc Gengler (1995). A Survey on Minimax Trees and Associated Algorithms. Minimax and Its Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Claude G. Diderich (1998). Automatic Data Distribution for Massively Parallel Distributed Memory Computers. Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
2000 ...
- Claude G. Diderich, Marc Gengler (2001). Minimax Game Tree Searching. Encyclopedia of Optimization, Springer
- Claude G. Diderich, Marc Gengler (2009). Minimax Game Tree Searching. Encyclopedia of Optimization, Springer
- Claude Diderich (2009). Positive Alpha Generation: Designing Sound Investment Processes. John Wiley & Sons
2010 ...
- Claude Diderich (2018). Understanding the Value of Design Thinking to Innovation in Banking. Journal of Financial Transformation, No. 48, pdf