CG 1998
Home * Conferences * Computer and Games 1998
The First International Conference on Computers and Games was held in Tsukuba, Japan, November 11-12, 1998.
- Jaap van den Herik and Hiroyuki Iida (eds.)
- Computers and Games [1]
- First International Conference, CG 1998
- Tsukuba, Japan, November 11–12, 1998
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1558, 1999
- Springer Berlin
- ISBN 3-540-65766-5
Search and Strategies
- Andreas Junghanns, Jonathan Schaeffer (1998). Relevance Cuts: Localizing the Search.. CG 1998
- Yngvi Björnsson, Tony Marsland (1998). Multi-cut Pruning in Alpha-Beta Search. CG 1998
- Dennis Breuker, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Uiterwijk, Victor Allis (1998). A Solution to the GHI Problem for Best-First Search. CG 1998
- Ian Frank, David Basin (1998). Optimal Play against Best Defence: Complexity and Heuristics. CG 1998
- Xinbo Gao, Hiroyuki Iida, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (1998). A Speculative Strategy. CG 1998
- Steven Willmott, Julian Richardson, Alan Bundy, John Levine (1998). An Adversarial Planning Approach to Go. CG 1998
Learning and Pattern Acquisition
- Don Beal, Martin C. Smith (1998). First Results from Using Temporal Difference Learning in Shogi. CG 1998
- Michael Buro (1998). From Simple Features to Sophisticated Evaluation Functions. CG 1998
- Takuya Kojima, Atsushi Yoshikawa (1998). A Two-Step Model of Pattern Acquisition: Application to Tsume-Go. CG 1998
- Nobusuke Sasaki, Yasuji Sawada, Jin Yoshimura (1998). A Neural Network Program of Tsume-Go. CG 1998
- J. Ignacio Giráldez, Daniel Borrajo (1998). Distributed Decision Making in Checkers. CG 1998
- Wim Pijls, Arie de Bruin (1998). Game Tree Algorithms and Solution Trees. CG 1998
- Aviezri Fraenkel, Dmitri Zusman (1998). A New Heap Game. CG 1998
- Aviezri Fraenkel, Ofer Rahat (1998). Infinite Cyclic Impartial Games. CG 1998
- Marcel Crâşmaru (1998). On the Complexity of Tsume-Go. CG 1998
- Bill Spight (1998). Extended Thermography for Multiple Kos in Go. CG 1998
Go, Tsume-Shogi, and Heian-Shogi
- Martin Müller (1998). Computer Go: A Research Agenda. CG 1998
- Morihiko Tajima, Noriaki Sanechika (1998). Estimating the Possible Omission Number for Groups in Go by the Number of n -th Dame. CG 1998
- Atsushi Yoshikawa, Takuya Kojima, Yasuki Saito (1998). Relations between Skill and the Use of Terms. CG 1998
- Reijer Grimbergen (1998). A Survey of Tsume-Shogi Programs Using Variable-Depth Search. CG 1998
- Hiroyuki Iida, Jin Yoshimura, Kazuro Morita, Jos Uiterwijk (1998). Retrograde Analysis of the KGK Endgame in Shogi: Its Implications for Ancient Heian Shogi. CG 1998