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Bitboard Board-Definition

160 bytes added, 12:04, 3 February 2022
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'''[[Main Page|Home]] * [[Board Representation]] * [[Bitboards]] * Bitboard Board-Definition'''
To represent the board we typically need one bitboard for each [[Pieces#PieceTypeCoding|piece-type]] and [[Color|color]] - likely encapsulated inside a class or structure, or as an [[Array|array]] of bitboards as part of a [[Chess Position|position]] object. A one-bit inside a bitboard implies the existence of a piece of this piece-type on a certain [[Squares|square]] - one to one associated by the bit-position <ref>[ ?page=2 Bitwise Optimization in Java: Bitfields, Bitboards, and Beyond] by [[Glen Pepicelli]], ([ Wayback Machine], 2005), [ O'Reilly's] []</ref>:
<span id="CBoardDef"></span>

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