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* [http://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=74989 Looking for intrinsic "least significant bit" on Visual Studio] by [[Oliver Brausch]], [[CCC]], September 03, 2020 » [[BitScan#TrailingZeroCount|Trailing Zero Count]]
* [http://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=74989 Looking for intrinsic "least significant bit" on Visual Studio] by [[Oliver Brausch]], [[CCC]], September 03, 2020 » [[BitScan#TrailingZeroCount|Trailing Zero Count]]
* [http://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=75818 C++20 standard bit operations] by [[Jon Dart]], [[CCC]], November 15, 2020 » [[General Setwise Operations]], [[Population Count]], [[Cpp|C++]]
* [http://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=75818 C++20 standard bit operations] by [[Jon Dart]], [[CCC]], November 15, 2020 » [[General Setwise Operations]], [[Population Count]], [[Cpp|C++]]
* [https://www.talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=79739 Optimizing Matt Taylor's Folding trick] by [[Daniel Infuehr]], [[CCC]], April 21, 2022
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Home * Board Representation * Bitboards * BitScan

M. C. Escher - Eye, 1946 [1]

a function that determines the bit-index of the least significant 1 bit (LS1B) or the most significant 1 bit (MS1B) in an integer such as bitboards. If exactly one bit is set in an unsigned integer, representing a numerical value of a power of two, this is equivalent to a base-2 logarithm. Many implementations have been devised since the advent of bitboards, as described on this page, and some implementation samples of concrete open source engines listed for didactic purpose.

Hardware vs. Software

For recent x86-64 architectures like Core 2 duo and K10, one should use the Processor Instructions for Bitscans via intrinsics or inline assembly, see x86-64 timing. P4 and K8 have rather slow bitscan-instructions. K8 uses so called vector path instructions [2] with 9 or 11 cycles latency, even blocking other processor resources. For these processors, specially K8 with already fast multiplication, the De Bruijn Multiplication (64-bit mode) or Matt Taylor's Folded 32-bit Multiplication (32-bit mode) might be the right choice. Other routines mentioned might be advantageous on certain architectures, specially with slow integer multiplications.

Non Empty Sets

Bitscan is most often used in serializing bitboards, and is therefor - due to a leading while-condition - not called with empty sets. Until stated otherwise, most mentioned bitscan-routines in C/C++ have the same prototype and assume none empty sets as actual parameter.

Bitscan forward

A bitscan forward is used to find the index of the least significant 1 bit (LS1B).

Trailing Zero Count

Bitscan forward is identical with a Trailing Zero Count for none empty sets, possibly available as machine instruction on some architectures, for instance the x86-64 bit-manipulation expansion set BMI1, with some difficulties to use the _tzcnt_u64 intrisic with Visual Studio [3].

De Bruijn Multiplication

The De Bruijn bitscan was devised in 1997, according to Donald Knuth [4] by Martin Läuter, and independently by Charles Leiserson, Harald Prokop and Keith H. Randall a few month later [5] [6] , to determine the LS1B index by minimal perfect hashing. De Bruijn sequences were named after the Dutch mathematician Nicolaas de Bruijn. Interestingly sequences with the binary alphabet were already investigated by the French mathematician Camille Flye Sainte-Marie in 1894, but later "forgotten" and re-investigated and generalized by De Bruijn and Tanja van Ardenne-Ehrenfest half a century later [7] .

A 64-bit De Bruijn Sequence contains 64-overlapped unique 6-bit sequences, thus a circle of 64 bits, where five leading zeros overlap five hidden "trailing" zeros. There are 226 = 67108864 odd sequences with 6 leading binary zeros and 226 even sequences with 5 leading binary zeros, which may be calculated from the odd ones by shifting left one.

With isolated LS1B

A multiplication with a power of two value (the isolated LS1B) acts like a left shift by it's exponent. Thus, if we multiply a 64-bit De Bruijn Sequence with the isolated LS1B, we get a unique six bit subsequence inside the most significant bits. To obtain the bit-index we need to extract these upper six bits by shifting right the product, to lookup an array.

const int index64[64] = {
    0,  1, 48,  2, 57, 49, 28,  3,
   61, 58, 50, 42, 38, 29, 17,  4,
   62, 55, 59, 36, 53, 51, 43, 22,
   45, 39, 33, 30, 24, 18, 12,  5,
   63, 47, 56, 27, 60, 41, 37, 16,
   54, 35, 52, 21, 44, 32, 23, 11,
   46, 26, 40, 15, 34, 20, 31, 10,
   25, 14, 19,  9, 13,  8,  7,  6

 * bitScanForward
 * @author Martin Läuter (1997)
 *         Charles E. Leiserson
 *         Harald Prokop
 *         Keith H. Randall
 * "Using de Bruijn Sequences to Index a 1 in a Computer Word"
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 bb) {
   const U64 debruijn64 = C64(0x03f79d71b4cb0a89);
   assert (bb != 0);
   return index64[((bb & -bb) * debruijn64) >> 58];

See also how to Generate your "private" De Bruijn Bitscan Routine.

With separated LS1B

Instead of the classical LS1B isolation, Kim Walisch proposed the faster xor with the ones' decrement. The separation bb ^ (bb-1) contains all bits set including and below the LS1B. The 222 (4,194,304) upper De Bruijn Sequences of the 226 available leave unique 6-bit indices. Using LS1B separation takes advantage of the x86 lea instruction, which saves the move instruction and unlike negate, has no data dependency on the flag register. Kim reported a 10 to 15 percent faster execution (compilers: g++-4.7 -O2, clang++-3.1 -O2, x86_64) than the traditional 64-bit De Bruijn bitscan on Intel Nehalem and Sandy Bridge CPUs.

const int index64[64] = {
    0, 47,  1, 56, 48, 27,  2, 60,
   57, 49, 41, 37, 28, 16,  3, 61,
   54, 58, 35, 52, 50, 42, 21, 44,
   38, 32, 29, 23, 17, 11,  4, 62,
   46, 55, 26, 59, 40, 36, 15, 53,
   34, 51, 20, 43, 31, 22, 10, 45,
   25, 39, 14, 33, 19, 30,  9, 24,
   13, 18,  8, 12,  7,  6,  5, 63

 * bitScanForward
 * @author Kim Walisch (2012)
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 bb) {
   const U64 debruijn64 = C64(0x03f79d71b4cb0a89);
   assert (bb != 0);
   return index64[((bb ^ (bb-1)) * debruijn64) >> 58];

Matt Taylor's Folding trick

A 32-bit friendly implementation to find the the bit-index of LS1B by Matt Taylor [8] [9]. The xor with the ones' decrement, bb ^ (bb-1) contains all bits set including and below the LS1B. The 32-bit xor-difference of both halves yields either the complement of the upper half, or the lower half otherwise. Some samples:

ls1b bb ^ (bb-1) folded
63 0xffffffffffffffff 0x00000000
62 0x7fffffffffffffff 0x80000000
59 0x0fffffffffffffff 0xf0000000
32 0x00000001ffffffff 0xfffffffe
31 0x00000000ffffffff 0xffffffff
30 0x000000007fffffff 0x7fffffff
0 0x0000000000000001 0x00000001

Even if this folded "LS1B" contains multiple consecutive one-bits, the multiplication is De Bruijn like. There are only two magic 32-bit constants with the combined property of 32- and 64-bit De Bruijn Sequences to apply this minimal perfect hashing:

const int lsb_64_table[64] =
   63, 30,  3, 32, 59, 14, 11, 33,
   60, 24, 50,  9, 55, 19, 21, 34,
   61, 29,  2, 53, 51, 23, 41, 18,
   56, 28,  1, 43, 46, 27,  0, 35,
   62, 31, 58,  4,  5, 49, 54,  6,
   15, 52, 12, 40,  7, 42, 45, 16,
   25, 57, 48, 13, 10, 39,  8, 44,
   20, 47, 38, 22, 17, 37, 36, 26

 * bitScanForward
 * @author Matt Taylor (2003)
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 bb) {
   unsigned int folded;
   assert (bb != 0);
   bb ^= bb - 1;
   folded = (int) bb ^ (bb >> 32);
   return lsb_64_table[folded * 0x78291ACF >> 26];

A slightly modified version may take one x86-register less in 32-bit mode, but calculates bb-1 twice:

int bitScanForwardM(BitBoard bb) {
   unsigned int folded;
   assert (bb != 0);
   folded  = (int)((bb ^ (bb-1)) >> 32);
   folded ^= (int)( bb ^ (bb-1)); // lea
   return lsb_64_table[folded * 0x78291ACF >> 26];

with this VC6 generated x86 assembly to compare:

bitScanForward PROC NEAR                   bitScanForwardM PROC NEAR
   mov  ecx, DWORD PTR _bb$[esp-4]            mov  eax, DWORD PTR _bb$[esp-4]
   mov  eax, DWORD PTR _bb$[esp]              mov  ecx, eax
   mov  edx, ecx                              add  ecx, -1
   push esi                                   mov  ecx, DWORD PTR _bb$[esp]
   add  edx, -1                               mov  edx, ecx
   mov  esi, eax                              adc  edx, -1
   adc  esi, -1                               xor  edx, ecx
   xor  ecx, edx                              lea  ecx, DWORD PTR [eax-1]
   xor  eax, esi                              xor  edx, ecx
   pop  esi
   xor  eax, ecx                              xor  edx, eax
   imul eax, 78291acfH                        imul edx, 78291acfH
   shr  eax, 26                               shr  edx, 26
   mov  eax, DWORD PTR _lsb_64_table[eax*4]   mov  eax, DWORD PTR _lsb_64_table[edx*4]
   ret  0                                     ret  0
bitScanForward ENDP                        bitScanForward ENDP

Walter Faxon's magic Bitscan

Walter Faxon's 32-bit friendly magic bitscan [10] uses a fast none minimal perfect hashing function:

const char LSB_64_table[154] =
#define __ 0
   22,__,__,__,30,__,__,38,18,__, 16,15,17,__,46, 9,19, 8, 7,10,
   0, 63, 1,56,55,57, 2,11,__,58, __,__,20,__, 3,__,__,59,__,__,
   __,__,__,12,__,__,__,__,__,__, 4,__,__,60,__,__,__,__,__,__,
   __,__,__,__,21,__,__,__,29,__, __,37,__,__,__,13,__,__,45,__,
   __,__, 5,__,__,61,__,__,__,53, __,__,__,__,__,__,__,__,__,__,
   28,__,__,36,__,__,__,__,__,__, 44,__,__,__,__,__,27,__,__,35,
   __,52,__,__,26,__,43,34,25,23, 24,33,31,32,42,39,40,51,41,14,
   __,49,47,48,__,50, 6,__,__,62, __,__,__,54
#undef __

 * bitScanForward
 * @author Walter Faxon, slightly modified
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 bb)
   unsigned int t32;
   bb  ^= bb - 1;
   t32  = (int)bb ^ (int)(bb >> 32);
   t32 ^= 0x01C5FC81;
   t32 +=  t32 >> 16;
   t32 -= (t32 >> 8) + 51;
   return LSB_64_table [t32 & 255]; // 0..63

A slightly modified version may take one x86-register less in 32-bit mode, but calculates bb-1 twice:

int bitScanForward(U64 bb)
   int t32 = 0x01C5FC81;
   t32 ^= (int)((bb ^ (bb-1)) >> 32);
   t32 ^= (int)( bb ^ (bb-1)); // lea
   t32 += t32 >> 16;
   t32 -=(t32 >>  8) + 51;
   return LSB_64_table [t32 & 255];

The initial LS1B separation by bb ^ (bb-1) and folding is equivalent to Matt's,

ls1b bb ^ (bb-1) folded
63 0xffffffffffffffff 0x00000000
62 0x7fffffffffffffff 0x80000000
59 0x0fffffffffffffff 0xf0000000
32 0x00000001ffffffff 0xfffffffe
31 0x00000000ffffffff 0xffffffff
30 0x000000007fffffff 0x7fffffff
0 0x0000000000000001 0x00000001

while Walter originally resets the LS1B, yielding in a cyclic index wrap:

LS1B (bb & (bb-1)) ^ (bb-1) folded
0 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000
63 0x7fffffffffffffff 0x80000000
60 0x0fffffffffffffff 0xf0000000
33 0x00000001ffffffff 0xfffffffe
32 0x00000000ffffffff 0xffffffff
31 0x000000007fffffff 0x7fffffff
1 0x0000000000000001 0x00000001

Bitscan by Modulo

Another idea is to apply a modulo (remainder of a division) operation of the isolated LS1B by the prime number 67 [11] [12] . The remainder 0..66 can be used to perfectly hash the bit-index table. Three gaps are 0, 17, and 34, so the mod 67 can make a branchless trailing zero count:

Bit-Index Bitboard mod 67
- 0x0000000000000000 0
0 0x0000000000000001 1
1 0x0000000000000002 2
2 0x0000000000000004 4
3 0x0000000000000008 8
4 0x0000000000000010 16
5 0x0000000000000020 32
6 0x0000000000000040 64
7 0x0000000000000080 61
8 0x0000000000000100 55
9 0x0000000000000200 43
10 0x0000000000000400 19
11 0x0000000000000800 38
12 0x0000000000001000 9
13 0x0000000000002000 18
14 0x0000000000004000 36
15 0x0000000000008000 5
16 0x0000000000010000 10
17 0x0000000000020000 20
18 0x0000000000040000 40
19 0x0000000000080000 13
20 0x0000000000100000 26
21 0x0000000000200000 52
22 0x0000000000400000 37
23 0x0000000000800000 7
24 0x0000000001000000 14
25 0x0000000002000000 28
26 0x0000000004000000 56
27 0x0000000008000000 45
28 0x0000000010000000 23
29 0x0000000020000000 46
30 0x0000000040000000 25
31 0x0000000080000000 50
32 0x0000000100000000 33
33 0x0000000200000000 66
34 0x0000000400000000 65
35 0x0000000800000000 63
36 0x0000001000000000 59
37 0x0000002000000000 51
38 0x0000004000000000 35
39 0x0000008000000000 3
40 0x0000010000000000 6
41 0x0000020000000000 12
42 0x0000040000000000 24
43 0x0000080000000000 48
44 0x0000100000000000 29
45 0x0000200000000000 58
46 0x0000400000000000 49
47 0x0000800000000000 31
48 0x0001000000000000 62
49 0x0002000000000000 57
50 0x0004000000000000 47
51 0x0008000000000000 27
52 0x0010000000000000 54
53 0x0020000000000000 41
54 0x0040000000000000 15
55 0x0080000000000000 30
56 0x0100000000000000 60
57 0x0200000000000000 53
58 0x0400000000000000 39
59 0x0800000000000000 11
60 0x1000000000000000 22
61 0x2000000000000000 44
62 0x4000000000000000 21
63 0x8000000000000000 42
 * trailingZeroCount
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit, 64 if bb is zero
int trailingZeroCount(U64 bb) {
   static const int lookup67[67+1] = {
      64,  0,  1, 39,  2, 15, 40, 23,
       3, 12, 16, 59, 41, 19, 24, 54,
       4, -1, 13, 10, 17, 62, 60, 28,
      42, 30, 20, 51, 25, 44, 55, 47,
       5, 32, -1, 38, 14, 22, 11, 58,
      18, 53, 63,  9, 61, 27, 29, 50,
      43, 46, 31, 37, 21, 57, 52,  8,
      26, 49, 45, 36, 56,  7, 48, 35,
       6, 34, 33, -1 };
   return lookup67[(bb & -bb) % 67];

Since div/mod is an expensive instruction, a modulo by a constant is likely replaced by reciprocal fixed point multiplication to get the quotient and a second multiplication and difference to get the remainder. Compared with De Bruijn multiplication it is still too slow.

Divide and Conquer

This is a broad group of bitscans that test in succession, like the trailing zero count based on Reinhard Scharnagl's proposal [13] :

 * trailingZeroCount
 *  like bitScanForward for none empty sets
 * @author Reinhard Scharnagl
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @return index (0..64)
unsigned char lsbRS[256] = {
    8, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0

int trailingZeroCount(U64 b) {
  unsigned buf;
  int acc = 0;

  if ((buf = (unsigned)b) == 0) {
    buf = (unsigned)(b >> 32);
    acc = 32;
  if ((unsigned short)buf == 0) {
    buf >>= 16;
    acc += 16;
  if ((unsigned char)buf == 0) {
    buf >>= 8;
    acc += 8;
  return acc + lsbRS[buf & 0xff];

What about direct calculation? On x86 this is a chain of test, set and lea instructions:

 * bitScanForward
 * @author Gerd Isenberg
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 bb) {
   unsigned int lsb;
   assert (bb != 0);
   bb &= -bb; // LS1B-Isolation
   lsb = (unsigned)bb
       | (unsigned)(bb>>32);
   return (((((((((((unsigned)(bb>>32) !=0)  * 2)
                 + ((lsb & 0xffff0000) !=0)) * 2)
                 + ((lsb & 0xff00ff00) !=0)) * 2)
                 + ((lsb & 0xf0f0f0f0) !=0)) * 2)
                 + ((lsb & 0xcccccccc) !=0)) * 2)
                 + ((lsb & 0xaaaaaaaa) !=0);

Double conversion of LS1B

Assuming 64-bit doubles and little-endian structure (not portable). We convert the isolated LS1B to a double and interprete the exponent:

 * bitScanForward
 * @author Gerd Isenberg
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
 *         -1023 if passing zero
int bitScanForward(U64 bb)
   union {
      double d;
      struct {
         unsigned int mantissal : 32;
         unsigned int mantissah : 20;
         unsigned int exponent : 11;
         unsigned int sign : 1;
   } ud;
   ud.d = (double)(bb & -bb); // isolated LS1B to double
   return ud.exponent - 1023;

Index of LS1B by Popcount

If we have a fast population-count instruction, we can count the trailing zeros of LS1B after subtracting one:

// precondition bb != 0
int bitScanForward(U64 bb) {
   assert (bb != 0);
   return popCount( (bb & -bb) - 1 );

Bitscan reverse

A bitscan reverse is used to find the index of the most significant 1 bit (MS1B). For non empty sets it is equivalent to floor of the base-2 logarithm. MS1B isolalation or separation is more expensive than LS1B isolalation or separation, due to the LS1B related Two's complement tricks are not applicable. However, beside Divide and Conquer and Double conversion, Bitscan reverse with MS1B separation is mentioned.

Divide and Conquer

As introduced by Eugene Nalimov in 2000, for an IA-64 version of Crafty [14] [15]

 * bitScanReverse
 * @author Eugene Nalimov
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @return index (0..63) of most significant one bit
int bitScanReverse(U64 bb)
   int result = 0;
   if (bb > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
      bb >>= 32;
      result = 32;
   if (bb > 0xFFFF) {
      bb >>= 16;
      result += 16;
   if (bb > 0xFF) {
      bb >>= 8;
      result += 8;
   return result + ms1bTable[bb];

Tribute to Frank Zappa

A branchless and little bit obfuscated version of the devide and conquer bitScanReverse with in-register-lookup [16] - as tribute to Frank Zappa with identifiers from Freak Out! (1966), Hot Rats (1969), Waka/Jawaka (1972), Sofa (1975), One Size Fits All (1975), Sheik Yerbouti (1979), and Jazz from Hell (1986):

typedef unsigned __int64 OneSizeFits;
typedef unsigned int HotRats;
const HotRats s      =   0;
const HotRats heik   = 457;
const HotRats y      =   1;
const HotRats e      =   2;
const HotRats r      =   3;
const HotRats b      =   4;
const HotRats o      =   5;
const HotRats u      =   8;
const HotRats t      =  16;
const HotRats i      =  32;
const HotRats     ka = (1<< 4)-1;
const HotRats   waka = (1<< 8)-1;
const HotRats jawaka = (1<<16)-1;
const HotRats jazzFromHell = 0-(16*3*heik);

HotRats freakOut(OneSizeFits all) {
   HotRats so,fa;
   fa   = (HotRats)(all >> i);
   so   = (fa!=s)       << o;
   fa  ^= (HotRats) all & (fa!=s)-y;
   so  ^= (jawaka < fa) << b;
   fa >>= (jawaka < fa) << b;
   so  ^= (  waka - fa) >> t    & u;
   fa >>= (  waka - fa) >> t    & u;
   so  ^= (    ka - fa) >> u    & b;
   fa >>= (    ka - fa) >> u    & b;
   so  ^=  jazzFromHell >> e*fa & r;
   return so;

De Bruijn Multiplication

While the tribute to Frank Zappa is quite 32-bit friendly [17], Kim Walisch suggested to use the parallel prefix fill for a MS1B separation with the same De Bruijn multiplication and lookup as in his bitScanForward routine with separated LS1B, with less instructions in 64-bit mode. A log base 2 method was already devised by Eric Cole on January 8, 2006, and shaved off rounded up to one less than the next power of 2 by Mark Dickinson [18] on December 10, 2009, as published in Sean Eron Anderson's Bit Twiddling Hacks for 32-bit integers [19].

const int index64[64] = {
    0, 47,  1, 56, 48, 27,  2, 60,
   57, 49, 41, 37, 28, 16,  3, 61,
   54, 58, 35, 52, 50, 42, 21, 44,
   38, 32, 29, 23, 17, 11,  4, 62,
   46, 55, 26, 59, 40, 36, 15, 53,
   34, 51, 20, 43, 31, 22, 10, 45,
   25, 39, 14, 33, 19, 30,  9, 24,
   13, 18,  8, 12,  7,  6,  5, 63

 * bitScanReverse
 * @authors Kim Walisch, Mark Dickinson
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of most significant one bit
int bitScanReverse(U64 bb) {
   const U64 debruijn64 = C64(0x03f79d71b4cb0a89);
   assert (bb != 0);
   bb |= bb >> 1; 
   bb |= bb >> 2;
   bb |= bb >> 4;
   bb |= bb >> 8;
   bb |= bb >> 16;
   bb |= bb >> 32;
   return index64[(bb * debruijn64) >> 58];

Double conversion

Assuming 64-bit doubles and little-endian structure (not portable!). Conversion to a double, interpreting the exponent. To avoid possible rounding errors, some lower bits may be cleared.

 * bitScanReverse
 * @author Gerd Isenberg
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @return index (0..63) of most significant one bit
 *         -1023 if passing zero
int bitScanReverse(U64 bb)
   union {
      double d;
      struct {
         unsigned int mantissal : 32;
         unsigned int mantissah : 20;
         unsigned int exponent : 11;
         unsigned int sign : 1;
   } ud;
   ud.d = (double)(bb & ~(bb >> 32));  // avoid rounding error
   return ud.exponent - 1023;

Leading Zero Count

Some processors have a fast leading zero count instruction. The Motorola 68020 has a bit field find first one instruction (BFFFO), which actually performs an up to 32-bit Leading Zero Count [20] . x86-64 AMD K10 has lzcnt as part of the SSE4a extension [21] [22] , BMI1 has lzcnt as well, while AVX-512CD even features leading zero count on vectors of eight bitbaords.

One can replace bitScanReverse of non empty sets by leadingZeroCount xor 63. Like trailing zero count, it returns 64 for empty sets, and might therefor save the leading condition in some applications.

Bitscan versus Zero Count

While the presented bitscan routines are suited to work only on none empty sets and return a value-range from 0 to 63 as bit-index, leading or trailing zero-count instructions or routines leave 64 for empty sets. Zero-counting has a immanent property of dealing correctly with empty sets - while it likely takes a conditional branch to implement this semantic in bit-scanning.

int trailingZeroCount(U64 bb) {
    if ( bb )
       return bitScanForward(bb);
    return 64;

int leadingZeroCount(U64 bb) {
    if ( bb )
       return bitScanReverse(bb) ^ 63;
    return 64;

Bitscan with Reset

While traversing sets, one may combine bitscanning with reset found bit. That implies passing the bitboard per reference or pointer, and tends to confuse compilers to keep all inside registers inside a typical serialization loop [23] [24].

int bitScanForwardWithReset(U64 &bb) { // also called dropForward
    int idx = bitScanForward(bb);
    bb &= bb - 1; // reset bit outside
    return idx;

Generalized Bitscan

This generalized bitscan uses a boolean parameter to scan reverse or forward. It relies on bitScanReverse, but conditionally masks the LS1B in case of scanning forward. It might be used in the classical approach to get positive or negative ray directions with one generalized routine.

 * generalized bitScan
 * @author Gerd Isenberg
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @param reverse, true bitScanReverse, false bitScanForward
 * @return index (0..63) of least/most significant one bit
 int bitScan(U64 bb, bool reverse) {
    U64 rMask;
    assert (bb != 0);
    rMask = -(U64)reverse;
    bb &= -bb | rMask;
    return bitScanReverse(bb);

Processor Instructions for Bitscans


x86-64 processors have bitscan instructions and can be accessed with compilers today through either inline assembly or compiler intrinsics. For the Microsoft/Intel C compiler, the intrinsics can be accessed by including and using the instructions _BitScanForward64 [25] , _BitScanReverse64 [26] or _lzcnt64 [27] .

unsigned char_BitScanForward64(unsigned long * Index,  unsigned __int64 Mask);
unsigned char _BitScanReverse64(unsigned long * Index,  unsigned __int64 Mask);
unsigned __int64 __lzcnt64(unsigned __int64 value); // AMD K10 only see CPUID

Linux provides library functions [28] , find first bit set (ffsll) in a word leaves an index of 1..64, and zero of no bit is set [29] . GCC 4.4.5 further has the Built-in Function _builtin_ffsll for finding the least significant one bit, _builtin_ctzll for trailing, and _builtin_clzll for leading zero count [30] :

/* Returns one plus the index of the least significant 1-bit of x, or if x is zero, returns zero */
int __builtin_ffsll (unsigned long long);

/* Returns the number of trailing 0-bits in x, starting at the least significant bit position.
   If x is 0, the result is undefined */
int __builtin_ctzll (unsigned long long);

/* Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit position.
   If x is 0, the result is undefined */
int __builtin_clzll (unsigned long long);

Emulating Intrinsics

For the GNU C compiler, the intrinsics can be emulated with inline assembly [31] .

//These processor instructions work only for 64-bit processors
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    #include <intrin.h>
    #ifdef _WIN64
        #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward64)
        #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64)
        #define USING_INTRINSICS
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__LP64__)
    static INLINE unsigned char _BitScanForward64(unsigned long* Index, U64 Mask)
        U64 Ret;
            "bsfq %[Mask], %[Ret]"
            :[Ret] "=r" (Ret)
            :[Mask] "mr" (Mask)
        *Index = (unsigned long)Ret;
        return Mask?1:0;
    static INLINE unsigned char _BitScanReverse64(unsigned long* Index, U64 Mask)
        U64 Ret;
            "bsrq %[Mask], %[Ret]"
            :[Ret] "=r" (Ret)
            :[Mask] "mr" (Mask)
        *Index = (unsigned long)Ret;
        return Mask?1:0;

Intrinsics versus asm

Alternatively, rather than to emulate the intrinsics one might use the standard prototype, by using intrinsics or inline assembly for GCC [32] :

#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward64)
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64)

 * bitScanForward
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 x) {
   unsigned long index;
   assert (x != 0);
   _BitScanForward64(&index, x);
   return (int) index;

 * bitScanReverse
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of most significant one bit
int bitScanReverse(U64 x) {
   unsigned long index;
   assert (x != 0);
   _BitScanReverse64(&index, x);
   return (int) index;

 * bitScanForward
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of least significant one bit
int bitScanForward(U64 x) {
   assert (x != 0);
   asm ("bsfq %0, %0" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
   return (int) x;

 * bitScanReverse
 * @param bb bitboard to scan
 * @precondition bb != 0
 * @return index (0..63) of most significant one bit
int bitScanReverse(U64 x) {
   assert (x != 0);
   asm ("bsrl %0, %0" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
   return (int) x;

Bsf/Bsr x86-64 Timings

The instruction latency and reciprocal throughput [33] heavily differs between various x86-64 architectures:

Architecture Stepping Instruction(s) Latency / Cycles Reciprocal Throughput
K8 [34] BSF reg16/32/64, mreg16/32/64 Vector Path 8/8/9 8/8/9
BSR reg16/32/64, mreg16/32/64 Vector Path 11 11
K10 [35] BSF reg, reg Vector Path 4 4
BSR reg, reg Vector Path 4 4
LZCNT reg, reg Direct Path single 2 1
Intel [36]
NetBurst 0F_3H BSF/BSR 16 4
NetBurst 0F_2H BSF/BSR 8 2
Core 06_0EH BSF/BSR 2 1
65 nm Intel Core 06_0FH BSF/BSR 2 1
Enhanced Intel Core 06_17H BSF/BSR 1 1
Enhanced Intel Core 06_1DH BSF/BSR 1 1
Nehalem 06_1AH BSF/BSR 3 1
Sandy Bridge

Ivy Bridge


Bsf/Bsr behavior with zero source

Intel and AMD specify different behavior. In praxis there seems no difference so far. However, as long as Intel docs explicitly state content undefined, it is recommend to don't rely on a pre-initialized content of that target register, if the source is zero.

  • Intel : If the content of the source operand is 0, the content of the destination operand is undefined. [37]
  • AMD: If the second operand contains 0, the instruction sets ZF to 1 and does not change the contents of the destination register. [38]


ARM has CLZ (Count Leading Zeros) instruction for 32-bit integers. ARM instruction is available in ARMv5 and above, 32-bit Thumb instruction is available in ARMv6T2 and ARMv7 [39] , the C-intrinsic is called _builtin_clz [40] [41] [42] .

Engine Samples

See also


Forum Posts

1996 ...

2000 ...

Re: Will the Itanium have a BSF or BSR instruction? by Eugene Nalimov, CCC, August 16, 2000
Re: Bit magic by Matt Taylor, comp.lang.asm.x86, June 29, 2003
Re: Nalimov: bsf/bsr intrinsics implementation still not optimal by Eugene Nalimov, CCC, September 23, 2004

2005 ...

2010 ...

2015 ...

2020 ...

External Links


  1. Picture gallery "Back in Holland 1941 - 1954" from The Official M.C. Escher Website
  2. Chip Architect: Detailed Architecture of AMD's Opteron - 1.3 A third class of Instructions by Hans de Vries
  3. Looking for intrinsic "least significant bit" on Visual Studio by Oliver Brausch, CCC, September 03, 2020
  4. Donald Knuth (2009). The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 1: Bitwise tricks & techniques, as Pre-Fascicle 1a postscript, p 10
  5. Charles E. Leiserson, Harald Prokop and Keith H. Randall (1998). Using de Bruijn Sequences to Index a 1 in a Computer Word, pdf
  6. "Using de Bruijn Sequences to Index a 1 in a Computer Word" discussion in CCC, February 08, 2002
  7. N. G. de Bruijn (1975). Acknowledgement of priority to C. Flye Sainte-Marie on the counting of circular arrangements of 2n zeros and ones that show each n-letter word exactly once. Technical Report, Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven, available as pdf reprint
  8. Bit magic by Matt Taylor, comp.lang.asm.x86, June 26, 2003
  9. Re: Bit magic by Matt Taylor, comp.lang.asm.x86, June 29, 2003
  10. Another hacky method for bitboard bit extraction by Walter Faxon, CCC, November 17, 2002
  11. bitboard 2^i mod 67 is unique by Stefan Plenkner, rgcc, August 6, 1996
  12. Pablo San Segundo, Ramón Galán (2005). Bitboards: A New Approach. AIA 2005
  13. Best BitBoard LSB funktion? by Reinhard Scharnagl, Winboard Programming Forum, July 20, 2005
  14. Re: Will the Itanium have a BSF or BSR instruction? by Eugene Nalimov, CCC, August 16, 2000
  15. ms1bTable array in Eugene Nalimovs bitScanReverse by Stef Luijten, CCC, April 17, 2011
  16. just another reverse bitscan by Gerd Isenberg, CCC, December 22, 2005
  17. final version - homage to FZ by Gerd Isenberg, CCC, December 23, 2005
  18. EuroPython 2012: Florence, July 2–8 | Mark Dickinson
  19. Find the log base 2 of an N-bit integer in O(lg(N)) operations with multiply and lookup from Bit Twiddling Hacks by Sean Eron Anderson
  20. 68020 Bit Field Instructions
  21. SSE4a from Wikipedia
  22. __lzcnt16, __lzcnt, __lzcnt64 Visual C++ Language Reference
  23. Bitscan by Matt Taylor, CCC, February 11, 2003
  24. CPW bitscan with reset could someone explain this line? by Mahmoud Uthman, CCC, March 14, 2019
  25. _BitScanForward, _BitScanForward64 Visual C++ Language Reference
  26. _BitScanReverse, _BitScanReverse64 Visual C++ Language Reference
  27. __lzcnt16, __lzcnt, __lzcnt64 Visual C++ Language Reference
  28. Section 3: library functions - Linux man pages
  29. ffsll(3): find first bit set in word - Linux man page
  30. Other Builtins - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
  31. Re: Nalimov: bsf/bsr intrinsics implementation still not optimal by Eugene Nalimov, CCC, September 23, 2004
  32. Matters Computational - ideas, algorithms, source code (pdf) Ideas and Source Code by Jörg Arndt
  33. Instruction tables, Lists of instruction latencies, throughputs and microoperation breakdowns for Intel and AMD CPU's (pdf) by Agner Fog
  34. Software Optimization Guide for AMD64 Processors
  35. Software Optimization Guide for AMD Family 10h and 12h Processors
  36. Intel 64 and IA32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual
  37. Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M (pdf) BSF—Bit Scan Forward 3-87
  38. AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions (pdf) Bit Scan Forward pg. 111
  39. ARM Information Center > General data processing instructions > CLZ
  40. ARM Information Center > Instruction intrinsics > __builtin_clz
  41. Other Builtins - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
  42. Bit Scan (equivalent to ASM instructions bsr and bsf) by Pascal Georges, CCC, December 24, 2009

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