Best Magics so far

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Home * Board Representation * Bitboards * Sliding Piece Attacks * Magic Bitboards * Best Magics so far

This page is intended to publish and share results on magic factors and shifts (64 - Bits used) for most dense magic bitboards tables. Little endian file and rank mapping is used (a1 = 0), for other mappings simply transform the square.

If you prefer your own magics, see Looking for Magics.


  • sq - the square of a rook or bishop considering little endian file and rank mapping
  • #sq - index of that square in the 0..63 range
  • premask - the mask to get all relevant occupied bits, considering the inner six bits.
  • bits - the population count of premask
  • used - hopefully less than bits, determines the shift (64 - used)
  • magic - the magic factor
  • postmask - attacks on the otherwise empty board
  • found by (optional) - the person who found that number.

Rook Magics

sq #sq premask bits used magic postmask found by
a1 0 0x000101010101017E

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12 0x01010101010101FE

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b1 1 0x000202020202027C 11 0x02020202020202FD
c1 2 0x000404040404047A 11 0x04040404040404FB
d1 3 0x0008080808080876 11 0x08080808080808F7
e1 4 0x001010101010106E 11 0x10101010101010EF
f1 5 0x002020202020205E 11
g1 6 0x004040404040403E 11
h1 7 0x008080808080807E 12 0x808080808080807F
a2 8 0x0001010101017E00 11 0x010101010101FE01
b2 9 0x0002020202027C00 10 0x020202020202FD02
c2 10 10
d2 11 10
e2 12 10
f2 13 10
g2 14 10
h2 15 11
a3 16 11
b3 17 10
c3 18 10
d3 19 10 10
e3 20 10 10
f3 21 10 10
g3 22 10 10
h3 23 11 11
a4 24 11 11
b4 25 10 10
c4 26 10 10
d4 27 10 10
e4 28 10 10
f4 29 10 10
g4 30 10 10
h4 31 11 11
a5 32 11 11
b5 33 10 10
c5 34 10 10
d5 35 10 10
e5 36 10 10
f5 37 10 10
g5 38 10 10
h5 39 11 11
a6 40 11 11
b6 41 10 10
c6 42 10 10
d6 43 10 10
e6 44 10 10
f6 45 10 10
g6 46 10 10
h6 47 11 11
a7 48 0x007E010101010100 11 10 0x48FFFE99FECFAA00 0x01FE010101010101 Grant Osborne
b7 49 0x007C020202020200 10 9 0x48FFFE99FECFAA00 0x02FD020202020202 Grant Osborne
c7 50 10 9 0x497FFFADFF9C2E00 Grant Osborne
d7 51 10 9 0x613FFFDDFFCE9200 Grant Osborne
e7 52 10 9 0xffffffe9ffe7ce00 Volker Annuss
f7 53 10 9 0xfffffff5fff3e600 Volker Annuss
g7 54 10 9 0x0003ff95e5e6a4c0 Niklas Fiekas
h7 55 0x007E808080808000 11 10 0x510FFFF5F63C96A0 0x807F808080808080 Grant Osborne
a8 56 0x7E01010101010100 12 11 0xEBFFFFB9FF9FC526 0xFE01010101010101 Grant Osborne
b8 57 0x7C02020202020200 11 10 0x61FFFEDDFEEDAEAE 0xFD02020202020202 Grant Osborne
c8 58 0x7A04040404040400 11 10 0x53BFFFEDFFDEB1A2 0xFB04040404040404 Grant Osborne
d8 59 0x7608080808080800 11 10 0x127FFFB9FFDFB5F6 0xF708080808080808 Grant Osborne
e8 60 0x6E10101010101000 11 10 0x411FFFDDFFDBF4D6 0xEF10101010101010 Grant Osborne
f8 61 11 11
g8 62 0x3E40404040404000 11 10 0x0003ffef27eebe74 0xBF40404040404040 Peter Österlund
h8 63 0x7E80808080808000 12 11 0x7645FFFECBFEA79E 0x7F80808080808080 Grant Osborne

Bishop Magics

sq #sq premask bits used magic postmask found by
a1 0 0x0040201008040200

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6 5 0xffedf9fd7cfcffff 0x8040201008040200

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Gerd Isenberg
b1 1 5 4 0xfc0962854a77f576 Gerd Isenberg
c1 2 5
d1 3 5
e1 4 5
f1 5 5
g1 6 5 4 0xfc0a66c64a7ef576 Gerd Isenberg
h1 7 6 5 0x7ffdfdfcbd79ffff Gerd Isenberg
a2 8 5 4 0xfc0846a64a34fff6 Gerd Isenberg
b2 9 5 4 0xfc087a874a3cf7f6 Gerd Isenberg
c2 10 5
d2 11 5
e2 12 5
f2 13 5
g2 14 5 4 0xfc0864ae59b4ff76 Gerd Isenberg
h2 15 5 4 0x3c0860af4b35ff76 Gerd Isenberg
a3 16 5 4 0x73C01AF56CF4CFFB Richard Pijl
b3 17 5 4 0x41A01CFAD64AAFFC Richard Pijl
c3 18 7
d3 19 7
e3 20 7
f3 21 7
g3 22 5 4 0x7c0c028f5b34ff76 Gerd Isenberg
h3 23 5 4 0xfc0a028e5ab4df76 Gerd Isenberg
a4 24 5
b4 25 5
c4 26 7
d4 27 9
e4 28 9
f4 29 7 7
g4 30 5
h4 31 5
a5 32 5
b5 33 5
c5 34 7 7
d5 35 9 9
e5 36 9 9
f5 37 7 7
g5 38 5
h5 39 5
a6 40 5 4 0xDCEFD9B54BFCC09F Richard Pijl
b6 41 5 4 0xF95FFA765AFD602B Richard Pijl
c6 42 7 7
d6 43 7 7
e6 44 7 7
f6 45 7 7
g6 46 5 4 0x43ff9a5cf4ca0c01 Gerd Isenberg
h6 47 5 4 0x4BFFCD8E7C587601 Richard Pijl
a7 48 5 4 0xfc0ff2865334f576 Gerd Isenberg
b7 49 5 4 0xfc0bf6ce5924f576 Gerd Isenberg
c7 50 5 5
d7 51 5 5
e7 52 5 5
f7 53 5 5
g7 54 5 4 0xc3ffb7dc36ca8c89 Gerd Isenberg
h7 55 5 4 0xc3ff8a54f4ca2c89 Gerd Isenberg
a8 56 6 5 0xfffffcfcfd79edff Gerd Isenberg
b8 57 5 4 0xfc0863fccb147576 Gerd Isenberg
c8 58 5 5
d8 59 5 5
e8 60 5 5
f8 61 5 5
g8 62 5 4 0xfc087e8e4bb2f736 Gerd Isenberg
h8 63 6 5 0x43ff9e4ef4ca2c89 Gerd Isenberg

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