1k1r4/1p3p2/p1bq1p1p/4p3/3r1P1Q/P5P1/1PP1B2P/K2RR3 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.001"; c0 "e4=10, Qc5=7, Qe6=7, Qe7=7, Re8=7"; 1k2r1r1/ppp1q1b1/nn1pp3/1N3p1p/1PP2P2/PQ2B1PB/4PK1P/3R2R1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.002"; c0 "e5=10, Rgf8=3"; 1kr3r1/1p1nqp2/p2p4/3PpBp1/1PP5/5R1P/P3QP2/R5K1 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.003"; c0 "e4=10"; 1q1r2k1/3n1bp1/1p2pp2/pNn5/P3PP2/1P2QB2/6NP/3R2K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.004"; c0 "e5=10, Be2=5, Nd4=6, Nd6=3, Rb1=7"; 1q2rrk1/p5bp/2p1p1p1/3p4/5P2/4QBP1/PPP2R1P/1R4K1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.005"; c0 "e5=10, a6=1, Qc7=2, Rf7=1"; 1qr1r1k1/5pp1/1p2p2p/1Qbn3b/2R5/3P1NPP/3NPPB1/1R4K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.006"; c0 "e4=10, d4=2, Ne4=2, Rbc1=1"; 1qr1r3/5ppk/1p2p2p/1Qbn3b/2R5/3P1NPP/3NPPB1/1R5K w - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.007"; c0 "d4=10, e3=3, Kg1=3, Ne4=4"; 1r1r2k1/1p3pp1/pNn1b2p/3p1q2/5B2/P7/1P1Q1PP1/2R1R1K1 b - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.008"; c0 "d4=10, Kh7=1"; 1r1r2k1/p1R2ppp/1p6/2n1p1q1/3P4/Q4PP1/PP2B2P/3R2K1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.009"; c0 "d5=10"; 1r1rb1k1/2q1bp1p/3ppnp1/8/pn1NPP2/2N2R1P/1PP1B1P1/2QR2BK b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.010"; c0 "d5=10, e5=2, Nc6=2"; 1r2r1k1/2qn1pb1/3p2pp/p1pP4/PpQ1PP2/1P4PP/1B4B1/3RR1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.011"; c0 "e5=10, Ba1=8, Bc1=8, Bxg7=9"; 1r2r1k1/p2bp1b1/2p1nnpp/qpP2p2/3P3P/P1N1PBPN/1BQ2P2/1R2R1K1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.012"; c0 "d5=10, Na2=4, Rec1=4, Red1=4"; 1r2r2k/5pp1/1n2qn1p/3p4/p1pR4/Q3PBNP/PP3PP1/3R2K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.013"; c0 "e4=10, Ne2=5, Nh5=4, Qc3=6"; 1r3k1r/1q2bpp1/4pn2/1p4p1/p1pPP1P1/P3P2P/1PQ4R/K1R1BB2 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.014"; c0 "e5=10, Bg2=8, Bg3=8, d5=6, Qe2=8"; 1r3rk1/1p1qbbp1/2n1pn1p/1Np5/2P5/2BPP1PB/2N1Q2P/1R3RK1 w - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.015"; c0 "d4=10, Bg2=1, Ne1=2"; 1r3rk1/1p3ppp/pN2bn2/P1p5/4P3/2P5/1P2B1PP/R4RK1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.016"; c0 "e5=10, Bf3=2, Rad1=1, Rfe1=1"; 1r4k1/1br3p1/1ppbp3/p2p1q1p/P1PP1Pp1/1P2P1P1/1Q3NBP/2RR2K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.017"; c0 "e4=10, cxd5=3, Nd3=6, Qa2=5, Qe2=9"; 1r6/pp1rqpbk/6p1/P2Bpb2/2P4p/1QN1P1P1/P2R1PKP/3R4 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.018"; c0 "e4=10, Bh6=7, h3+=7, hxg3=6, Rbd8=7, Rdd8=7"; 1rb1r1k1/2n1ppbp/pq1p2p1/1ppP4/2P1PP2/NP3B1P/P2B1QP1/2R1R1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.019"; c0 "e5=10, Kh1=1"; 1rb2r1k/2q1bppp/p1pppn2/P7/4P3/1PNQ4/2P1BPPP/R1B3RK b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.020"; c0 "d5=10"; 1rb2rk1/2q2pb1/3p1np1/1pnP2Bp/4P3/1pN2PN1/3QB1PP/1RR3K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.021"; c0 "e5=10, Be3=7, Kh1=7, Nxb5=7"; 1rnr2k1/2Rb2bp/3p2p1/2pPpp2/1p5P/1P1PP1P1/3B1PK1/R4BN1 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.022"; c0 "e4=10, Bb5=9, Be8=9, h6=8"; 1rnrbk2/2R3bp/3p2p1/1ppPpp2/7P/3PP1P1/1P1B1PK1/R2N1B2 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.023"; c0 "e4=10, Kf3=1"; 1rr5/p2bppkp/3p1np1/p1p5/Pq1PP3/1P2QN1P/2P1NPP1/2R1R1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.024"; c0 "e5=10, dxc5=4, Rcd1=1, Red1=3"; 2b1k1r1/3nppb1/2pp1npp/qp6/3PP2B/1RNB1N2/P1PQ1PPP/7K w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.025"; c0 "e5=10, h3=2"; 2b1r1k1/pp2rppp/2p3q1/3p4/1P1P4/P1N1PP2/5QPP/4RRK1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.026"; c0 "e4=10, Nd1=8, Qd2=8, Qe2=7, Rc1=8"; 2br1r1k/4b1pp/pq2pn2/2p5/Pp2PN2/1B2BP2/1PQ2P1P/R5RK b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.027"; c0 "e5=10, a5=7, Qc6=7, Qd6=7"; 2kr4/1p3p2/p1bqpp1p/8/3r1P1Q/3B2P1/PPP4P/K2RR3 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.028"; c0 "e5=10, Bf3=9, f5=7, Qe7=7"; 2r1r1k1/1pqn1pp1/p2b1n1p/P2Ppb2/R7/2NNB3/1PPQBPPP/3R2K1 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.029"; c0 "e4=10, Bh7=6, Nf8=6, Qb8=7, Qd8=7"; 2r1r1k1/3n2pp/b1p1pb2/1pPp1p1q/p2PnB1P/P4NP1/1PQNPPB1/R2R1K2 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.030"; c0 "e5=10, Bb7=1, h6=1, Kh8=1"; 2r1r1k1/5npp/3q4/1QpP1p2/1p6/4PP2/1B2R1PP/2R3K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.031"; c0 "e4=10, h3=6, Qd3=8, Rec2=8, Ree1=7"; 2r1r1k1/qp2ppb1/p1np1npp/5b2/2P5/PPN3PP/1BN1PPBK/1RQR4 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.032"; c0 "e4=10, e3=2, f3=5, Kg1=2, Rd2=3, Rf1=4"; 2r2nk1/2q1pp1p/3p2p1/pr6/2P1PP2/1PR3PP/3Q2B1/3R2K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.033"; c0 "e5=10, cxb5=6, Qe2=7, Qe3=7, Re1=7"; 2r2rk1/pp2qpp1/2nbp2p/2Np1b2/1P1Pn3/P3PN2/3BBPPP/R1RQ2K1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.034"; c0 "e5=10, a6=2, Nxd2=1, Rfd8=1, Rfe8=2"; 2r3k1/4n1b1/1p1pq1p1/4p3/2r2P1P/P2NP3/1B1Q3P/4RRK1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.035"; c0 "e4=10, fxe5=9, Nb4=9, Qg2=9"; 2r3k1/4Qp1p/3p2p1/3q4/b1p5/P1b3P1/R3PP1P/1R3BK1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.036"; c0 "e4=10"; 2r4r/2qb1nk1/3ppp2/p1p5/P3P3/1PR3P1/3NRPK1/3Q1B2 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.037"; c0 "d5=10, Rh6=1, Rh7=1"; 2rbr1k1/1p1nqp1p/4bn1P/pP2p1p1/N7/P1NRPP2/1Q2BBP1/1K5R w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.038"; c0 "e4=10, Bg3=2, Ka1=2"; 2rq1rk1/6bp/p1npb3/1p1Npp1Q/8/2PBN3/PP3PPP/R3K2R b KQ - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.039"; c0 "e4=10, b4=3, Bxd5=1, Kh8=2, Qd7=1"; 2rqr2k/pp3pp1/1nb2n2/7p/3pPP2/1P1B2NP/P5P1/RQB2R1K w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.040"; c0 "e5=10, Ba3=3, Bb2=1, Re1=3"; 2rrb1k1/1p3pp1/p1p4p/P5q1/2BP4/1P1RPQP1/5P2/3R1K2 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.041"; c0 "d5=10, Ra1=6, Rc3=6"; 3qr1k1/1p2npb1/2ppb1pp/4p3/1PP5/R1NP2P1/2NQPPBP/6K1 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.042"; c0 "d5=10, f5=8, h5=2, Kh7=6, Qc7=9, Qd7=2, Rf8=2"; 3r1k2/5p2/1p2q1p1/p2p4/P7/1P1Q3P/4nPP1/B2R3K b - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.043"; c0 "d4=10, f5=8, Nf4=8, Rd7=8"; 3r1r2/1b2qpkp/p2p1np1/1pp5/4P3/P1N1QB2/1PP2PPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.044"; c0 "e5=10, h3=7, Qc1=7, Rfe1=7"; 3r1rk1/ppqnppb1/n1p3pp/8/N2P4/3QP1P1/PP1B1PBP/R4RK1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.045"; c0 "e5=10, Ndb8=8, Nf6=8, Rfe8=8"; 3r2k1/1pp1q2p/p5pb/2n1p2r/5PQ1/P1PP3P/1P5K/1BBR1R2 w - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.046"; c0 "d4=10, Ba2+=1"; 3r2rk/1q2b2p/pNb2p2/P4Qn1/1p1p4/4PP2/1P1BB2P/2R2R1K w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.047"; c0 "e4=10, b3=7, Bxb4=9, exd4=7, Rc4=7"; 3rr1k1/1p3p1p/2b1pqp1/p3N3/2PP4/4R1P1/P2Q1P1P/4R1K1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.048"; c0 "d5=10, a4=4, Rd1=5, Rd3=5"; 3rr1k1/pp4bp/2p3p1/P4p2/2qPP3/B1P4P/2P3P1/R3QRK1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.049"; c0 "e5=10, Bc5=1, Qg3=1, Rb1=1"; 4b3/3k1n2/2pB1p1p/1p3Pp1/1P2P1P1/8/r3BK2/3R4 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.050"; c0 "e5=10, Bc5+=9, Bf8+=9"; 4r1k1/1p1r1ppb/1qpp1n1p/p7/P1PRPN2/2Q2P2/1P4PP/1B1R2K1 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.051"; c0 "d5=10, Qa7=6, Rdd8=6, Red8=6"; 4r1k1/1r2ppnp/1q4p1/ppp5/3nP3/1P2QP2/P2R1BPP/2R2B1K b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.052"; c0 "e5=10, Rbb8=3, Rc7=3, Rd8=5"; 4r1k1/2qn1pb1/rn1p2pp/2p5/p1b1PPP1/R1N1B2P/1PP1NQB1/R6K b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.053"; c0 "d5=10, Qb8=4, Ra5=3, Ra7=3"; 4r3/2qnr1k1/4ppp1/p1p4p/p1P2P1P/3PQNP1/1P2R3/4R1K1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.054"; c0 "e5=10, Qb7=7, Qc6=9, Rb8=9, Rd8=4"; 4rrk1/p4p1p/1qb3p1/2pp4/8/1P3B2/P1PQ1PPP/R3R1K1 b - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.055"; c0 "d4=10, Qb7=9, Rd8=9, Rxe1+=9"; 5k2/4pp1p/r2p2p1/8/6P1/5P2/1R3B1P/2r2BK1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.056"; c0 "e5=10, f6=9, Ra8=4, Rac6=9"; 5rk1/1ppqnr2/3p3p/1P4p1/3PPp2/5P2/P2QN2P/2R3RK w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.057"; c0 "d5=10"; 5rk1/1r2bpp1/pp2qn1p/2p5/P7/2N1PPP1/1PQB2KP/2RR4 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.058"; c0 "e4=10, b3=1, Ne2=2"; 5rk1/6p1/2pp4/4q1p1/1PP1PnP1/4Q2P/R7/5BK1 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.059"; c0 "d5=10, Kh8=5"; 5rk1/rbqnbppp/1p2pn2/2p5/4P3/P1P2NPP/1B1N1P2/R2QRBK1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.060"; c0 "e5=10, Bb5=2, c4=1, Qc2=2"; r1b1kb1r/1p1ppppp/p2q2n1/2pN3Q/8/8/PPPP1PPP/R1B1RBK1 w kq - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.061"; c0 "d4=10, b3=2, c4=3, g3=2, Ne3=1"; r1b1r1k1/4q1pp/1bp1pp2/np6/3PN3/3NP1PB/R1Q2P1P/3R2K1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.062"; c0 "e5=10, Kh8=2, Ra7=2, Rd8=2"; r1b1r1k1/ppq2pp1/2n1pn1p/8/2P5/PN4P1/1BP2PBP/R2Q1RK1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.063"; c0 "e5=10, a5=2, Rb8=2"; r1b1r3/pp1nq1kp/2pp2p1/5p2/1PP2P2/1Q2P1PP/P2N2B1/3R1RK1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.064"; c0 "e4=10, Qb2+=2, Qc3+=3, Rfe1=4"; r1b2rk1/1p1n1p1p/p5p1/q2p2B1/1bpP4/2N1PN1P/PPQ2PP1/2R2RK1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.065"; c0 "e4=10, Bf4=1, Rfe1=2"; r1b2rk1/1p3pb1/pq1Pp1p1/5n1p/2B2P2/1NP2Q2/PP1P2PP/R1B1K2R b KQ - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.066"; c0 "e5=10, a5=7, Bd7=7, Nxd6=7, Qxd6=7"; r1b2rk1/p1B1bpp1/q3pn1p/3p4/8/2N3PP/PPQ1PPB1/R3R1K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.067"; c0 "e4=10, Be5=2, Rac1=2, Rad1=2"; r1b3k1/1p1n1qpp/2p1p3/3p1r2/2PP4/1PR5/2QNPPBP/5RK1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.068"; c0 "e4=10, b4=1, Rf3=1"; r1br2k1/1p3ppp/p1p5/P5q1/1bBP4/1P2P3/1BQ2PP1/R2R2K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.069"; c0 "e4=10, Bc3=7, Be2=7, Qe2=7"; r1q1nrk1/pp2ppbp/2n3p1/8/Q3P3/N5P1/PB3PBP/3RR1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.070"; c0 "e5=10, Bc1=8, Qb3=8, Qc2=8"; r1r1q1k1/1n1b2bp/p4pp1/1p6/2pNP2B/Q1P5/P1B2PPP/3RR1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.071"; c0 "e5=10, Bg3=5, h3=3, Qc1=4, Re2=2"; r1r3k1/1pp2ppp/2np1n2/1N6/p1PP4/Q3RNPq/PP3P1P/2R3K1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.072"; c0 "d5=10, Rce1=4, Re2=3, Ree1=2"; r2q1kr1/1b2np2/p2p1p1p/4p3/2N1P3/3B4/PP3PPP/1R1Q1RK1 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.073"; c0 "d5=10"; r2q1rk1/1p1n1ppp/6b1/n2B4/Ppp2NP1/4PP2/1P4KP/R1BQ1R2 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.074"; c0 "e4=10, Bd2=4, h4=4, Nxg6=3, Qe2=2"; r2q1rk1/4nbbp/p2p4/1p3p1Q/4pN2/1BP1N3/PP3PPP/R3K2R b KQ - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.075"; c0 "d5=10, b4=9, Be5=7, Qe8=7"; r2qr1k1/1b3pb1/p2p2p1/8/2BNn1P1/2p1B3/P1P5/1NKRQR2 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.076"; c0 "d5=10"; r2r1k2/4q1p1/2b2p1p/ppP1pQ2/8/1P2PB2/5PPP/R1R3K1 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.077"; c0 "e4=10"; r2r2k1/1b2qppp/p3pn2/R7/2N5/1P1BP3/2Q2PPP/R5K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.078"; c0 "e4=10, f3=8, Ne5=2, Rd1=2"; r2r2k1/1bq2p1p/p3nnpQ/P2pp3/8/2PNN3/1P3PPP/R2R1BK1 b - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.079"; c0 "d4=10, Ne8=1, Nh5=9, Rab8=6, Rac8=9, Rd7=1"; r2r2k1/6bp/1P2q1p1/4pp2/p1N5/2Q5/PPR3PP/4R2K b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.080"; c0 "e4=10, Qc6=6, Rab8=2, Rd7=4"; r2r2k1/p1q3pp/1p1npp2/2p5/P1PP4/B3PP2/6PP/2RQ1RK1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.081"; c0 "d5=10, dxc5=8, Qb3=8, Re1=7"; r2r2k1/pbq2ppp/1p3n2/4p3/2PP4/PB1Q4/1B3PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.082"; c0 "d5=10, f3=1, Rfd1=1"; r2r2k1/pp2ppbp/2q3p1/2pnP3/2Q5/1P4P1/PB2PPNP/R2R2K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.083"; c0 "e4=10, a4=3, f4=2, Ne1=2, Rac1=8"; r2r2k1/ppq1p2p/1np1p1p1/2B5/P7/3P3P/1P2QPP1/R3R1K1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.084"; c0 "e5=10, Qc8=7, Qd7=7, Rf8=7"; r2r2k1/ppq2pp1/2p1pnbp/8/3P3P/1QP2P2/P3P2P/R1B2BRK w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.085"; c0 "e4=10, Bd2=4, Be3=4, Rg2=4"; r2r2k1/ppq2pp1/5nnp/1B3b2/2PPp3/P6P/1B1NQPP1/2R2RK1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.086"; c0 "d5=10, Ba1=1, Ba4=2, Qe3=5"; r2r3k/p2qppbp/1pn2np1/2p5/2P2P2/B1N1PN2/P2PQ1PP/3R1R1K w - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.087"; c0 "d4=10, d3=1"; r2r4/2q1bp1k/1nb1p1pp/p1ppP3/P1P2P2/1P3BPP/1N2QB2/2RR2K1 b - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.088"; c0 "d4=10, dxc4=2, Rab8=1"; r3kb1r/1q1n2p1/2bpp1Pp/pN3p2/1p1BP2P/P2B1P2/1PP5/2KR1Q1R b kq - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.089"; c0 "e5=10"; r3r1k1/1p2bppp/nqp2n2/p5B1/2bPP3/P1N3P1/1P2N1BP/R1Q2RK1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.090"; c0 "e5=10, Bf3=7, Kh1=7, Rf5=7"; r3r1k1/1p2qpp1/1bp2n1p/2n1pP2/p5P1/B6P/PPPNQPB1/R2R2K1 b - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.091"; c0 "e4=10, Ba7=3, Bc7=6, Nd5=5, Qc7=5"; r3r1k1/4npbp/bqnpp1p1/2p3P1/1p2PP2/3PN3/1PPQNBBP/1R3RK1 b - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.092"; c0 "d5=10"; r3r1k1/5pp1/1qp3bp/p2pP3/8/P1Q3N1/1P3PPP/2R1R1K1 b - - bm d4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.093"; c0 "d4=10"; r3r1k1/pp4pp/2pnqpn1/3p1b2/3P4/P1NBPN2/1PQ2PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - bm e4; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.094"; c0 "e4=10"; r4r1k/1bq3p1/pp1bpn1p/2pp4/3P3Q/1NP1B3/PP2BPPP/R4RK1 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.095"; c0 "e5=10, a5=5, Bc8=3, Kg8=3, Rac8=3, Rf7=2"; r4rk1/1p1qppbp/1n1p2p1/1PpP3n/p3P3/2NQ1N1P/1PPB1PP1/R3R1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.096"; c0 "e5=10, Bg5=3, Ra2=3, Ra3=2"; r4rk1/2p1bppp/p2p1n2/1p6/3PP3/1QN1BP1q/PP3P1P/2R1R1K1 w - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.097"; c0 "e5=10, Bf4=8, Nd5=7, Qd1=7"; r4rk1/3qbppp/p1np1n2/1pp4b/3PP3/PB2BN1P/1P1N1PP1/RQ2R1K1 w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.098"; c0 "d5=10, Bc2=1"; r4rk1/pbp5/1p1p1n1p/5Bp1/P1PP4/4q3/1P1N2PP/2RQ1R1K w - - bm d5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.099"; c0 "d5=10, Bb1=4, Nf3=1"; rq3k2/1p3bp1/2p1pp1p/2P5/1P2PPP1/4Q2P/6BK/3R4 b - - bm e5; id "STS(v13.0) Pawn Play in the Center.100"; c0 "e5=10, Kg8=8, Qa7=8, Qc7=8";