Susan L. Epstein
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Susan L. Epstein [1]
Susan Lynn Epstein,
an American mathematician, computer scientist, AI researcher and professor at Graduate Center and Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY). Her research interests include problem solving, machine learning, knowledge representation, constraint satisfaction and cognitive modeling. In the early 90s at CUNY, she developed FORR (FOr the Right Reasons) [2], a cognitive architecture for learning and problem solving inspired by Herbert A. Simon's ideas of bounded rationality and satisficing. Her FORR-based game playing program Hoyle [3] learned to play many different board games [4].
Selected Publications
1983 ...
- Susan L. Epstein (1983). Knowledge Representation in Mathematics: A Case Study in Graph Theory. Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers University - New Brunswick
- Susan L. Epstein (1989). The Intelligent Novice - Learning to Play Better. Heuristic Programming in AI 1
1990 ...
- Susan L. Epstein (1991). Deep Forks in Strategic Maps. Heuristic Programming in AI 2
- Susan L. Epstein (1992). Prior Knowledge Strengthens Learning to Control Search in Weak Theory Domains. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7, No. 6
- Susan L. Epstein (1994). For the Right Reasons: The FORR Architecture for Learning in a Skill Domain. Cognitive Science, Vol. 18, No. 3
- Barney Pell, Susan L. Epstein, Robert Levinson (1996). Introduction to the special issue on games: Structure and Learning. Computational Intelligence, Vol. 12, No. 1
- Susan L. Epstein (1999). Game Playing: The Next Moves. AAAI-99 Proceedings, pdf
2000 ...
- Susan L. Epstein (2001). Learning to Play Expertly: A Tutorial on Hoyle. in Johannes Fürnkranz, Miroslav Kubat (eds.) (2001). Machines that Learn to Play Games. Advances in Computation: Theory and Practice, Vol. 8,. NOVA Science Publishers, pdf
- Susan L. Epstein (2004). Thinking Through Diagrams: Discovery in Game Playing. Spatial Cognition IV
2010 ...
- Xi Yun, Susan L. Epstein (2012). A Hybrid Paradigm for Adaptive Parallel Search. CP 2012, pdf
- Susan L. Epstein (2015). Wanted: Collaborative Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 221
External Links
- Susan L. Epstein
- Susan L. Epstein - Google Scholar Citations
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Susan Epstein