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Knight Pattern

No change in size, 18:30, 10 October 2018
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<span id="KnightAttacks"></span>
=Knight Attacks=
The [[Knight]] attacks the [[Target squareSquare|target squares]] independently from other pieces around. The compass rose of all eight attacking [[Direction|directions]] associated with the to - from square differences from an [[8x8 Board|8x8 board]]:
<span id="ByLookup"></span>
==by Lookup==
The knight is specified by square index, likely from a [[BitscanBitScan|bitscan]] of a piece-wise [[Bitboard Serialization|bitboard serialization]] of a knight bitboard from a [[Bitboard Board-Definition|standard board-definition]], to index a table of pre-calculated knight-attacks:
U64 arrKnightAttacks[64];

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