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1 byte added, 17:18, 23 June 2018
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The program performs a [[Iterative Deepening|iterative deepening]] [[Parallel Search|parallel]] [[MTD(f)]] search utilizing the [[Shared Hash Table|shared transposition table]]. The variation of MTD(f) that KnightCap uses includes some convergence acceleration heuristics
that prevent the very slow convergence that can sometimes plague MTD(f) implementations. [[Selectivity]] is due to [[Null Move Pruning|null move pruning]], [[Razoring|razoring]] and various [[Extensions|extensions]]. The [[Transposition Table|transposition table]] with 128 bit entries keeps separate [[Depth|depth]] and [[Score|scores]] for the [[Lower Bound|lower]] and [[Upper Bound|upper bound]]. The [[Move Ordering|move ordering]] system is a combination of the commonly used [[History Heuristic|history]], [[Killer Heuristic|killer]], [[Refutation Table|refutation]] and transposition table, along with [[Enhanced Transposition Cutoff|ETC]].

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