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Extended Position Description

No change in size, 21:36, 15 May 2018
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==Piece Placement==
The Piece Placement is determined rank by rank in [[big-endian]] order, that is starting at the 8th rank down to the first rank. Each rank is separated by the terminal symbol '/' (slash). One rank, scans piece placement in [[little-endian]] file-order from the A to H.
A decimal digit counts consecutive empty squares, the pieces are identified by a single letter from standard English names for chess pieces as used in the [[Algebraic chess notationChess Notation]]. Uppercase letters are for white pieces, lowercase letters for black pieces.
<Piece Placement> ::= <rank8>'/'<rank7>'/'<rank6>'/'<rank5>'/'<rank4>'/'<rank3>'/'<rank2>'/'<rank1>
<span id="Castling"></span>
==Castling ability==
If neither side can castle, the symbol '-' is used, otherwise each of four individual [[Castling rightsRights|castling rights]] for king and queen castling for both sides are indicated by a sequence of one to four letters.
<Castling ability> ::= '-' | ['K'] ['Q'] ['k'] ['q'] (1..4)

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