Raphael Finkel

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Home * People * Raphael Finkel

Raphael A. Finkel [1]

Raphael A. Finkel,
an American computer scientist from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky with former appointment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin. Beside a lot of other things, his research interests covers parallel search algorithms, including the predecessors of Principal Variation Search, as summarized in his student's, John Philip Fishburn's, Ph.D. Thesis Analysis of Speedup in Distributed Algorithms [2].

Selected Publications


1980 ...

1990 ...

External Links


  1. Raphael A. Finkel - Homepage
  2. John Philip Fishburn (1981) Analysis of Speedup in Distributed Algorithms Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, pdf, Appendix: Some Optimizations of Alpha-Beta Search.
  3. dblp: Raphael A. Finkel

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