Liwu Li
Liwu Li, (March 24, 1947 - April 21, 2005 [2])
was a Chinese Canadian computer scientist and professor in School of Computer Science at University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
He was affiliated with the Nankai University, Tianjin, China and moved to Canada during the 80s. In 1989, Liwu Li defended his Ph.D. thesis at University of Alberta under Tony Marsland on the topic of Probabilistic Analysis of Search, including minimax search pathology and probalility-based game-tree pruning [3].
His further research interests covered object-oriented analysis and design, object-oriented language design and implementation, as most recently the π-calculus in Java [4].
Selected Publications
1986 ...
- Liwu Li (1986). Ranking and Unranking of AVL-Trees. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 15, No. 4 [7]
- Liwu Li, Tony Marsland (1987). A parallel algorithm for finding a maximum flow in 0-1 networks. Conference on Computer Science 1987
- Liwu Li (1989). Probabilistic Analysis of Search. Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta, advisor Tony Marsland [8]
- Liwu Li, Tony Marsland (1989). Probability-Based Game Tree Pruning. pdf
1990 ...
- Liwu Li, Tony Marsland (1990). Probability-Based Game Tree Pruning. Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 11, No. 1
- Liwu Li, Tony Marsland (1990). On Minimax Game Tree Search Pathology and Node-value Dependence. TR90-24, University of Alberta, pdf
- Liwu Li (1990). Systolic computation with fault diagnosis. Parallel Computing, Vol. 14, No. 2 [9]
- Liwu Li (1993). Fast In-Place Verification of Data Dependencies. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2
- Liwu Li (1994). Possible World Semantics and Autoepistemic Reasoning. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 71, No. 2 [10]
- Liwu Li (1998). Java - Data Structures and Programming. Springer
- Liwu Li (1998). The VisualAge for Smalltalk Primer. SIGS, amazon [11] [12]
- Liwu Li (1999). Object-Oriented Essential Modeling. APSEC 1999
2000 ...
- Liwu Li (2000). Translating Use Cases to Sequence Diagrams. ASE 2000 [13] [14]
- Liwu Li (2002). Use Case Patterns. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1
- Liwu Li, Wenjiang Wang (2004). Object-oriented programming with dynamic classification in C#. IASTED Conference on Software Engineering and Applications 2004
- Liwu Li (2004). Extending the Java Language with Dynamic Classification. Journal of Object Technology, Vol. 3, No 7
- Liwu Li (2005). Implementing the π-Calculus in Java. Journal of Object Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2 [15]
- Liwu Li (2005). Ontological modeling for software application development. Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 36, No. 3
External Links
- Liwu Li - The Mathematics Genealogy Project
- Implementing the π-Calculus in Java from Journal of Object Technology
- Liwu Li | Obituary | Windsor Star, April 23, 2005
- ↑ Implementing the π-Calculus in Java
- ↑ Liwu Li | Obituary | Windsor Star, April 23, 2005
- ↑ Liwu Li (1989). Probabilistic Analysis of Search. Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta
- ↑ Liwu Li (2005). Implementing the π-Calculus in Java. Journal of Object Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2
- ↑ dblp: Liwu Li 0001
- ↑ Liwu Li's scientific contributions while working at University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- ↑ AVL tree - Wikipedia
- ↑ Epigraph: I shot an arrow in the air, It fell to earth I know not where, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- ↑ Systolic array from Wikipedia
- ↑ Autoepistemic logic from Wikipedia
- ↑ IBM VisualAge from Wikipedia
- ↑ Smalltalk from Wikipedia
- ↑ Use case from Wikipedia
- ↑ Sequence diagram from Wikipedia
- ↑ π-calculus from Wikipedia