Landon Rabern
Landon W. Rabern,
an American mathematician and software engineer in the AI industry. His research interests include combinatorics and graph theory, such as clique problems, graph coloring and edge coloring.
He holds a B.Sc. from Washington University in St. Louis in 2003,
a M.Sc. from University of California, Santa Barbara in 2005, and
a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in 2013.
As a computer chess programmer, Landon Rabern is author the WinBoard compatible chess engine Betsy [1], which was the first published chess engine able to play Chess960 [2].
Selected Publications
- Landon W. Rabern (2003). Properties of Magic Squares of Squares. Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1
2005 ...
- Landon Rabern (2005). Some bounds on convex combinations of ω and χ for decompositions into many parts. arXiv:math/0512291
- Landon Rabern (2006). New upper bounds on the chromatic number of a graph. arXiv:math/0606632
- Landon Rabern (2006). On Graph Associations. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 20, No. 2
- Landon Rabern (2007). The Borodin-Kostochka Conjecture for Graphs Containing a Doubly Critical Edge. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 14
- Landon Rabern (2008). A Note On Reed's Conjecture. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 22, No. 2 [4]
- Brian Rabern, Landon Rabern (2008). A simple solution to the hardest logic puzzle ever. Analysis, Vol. 68, No. 2 [5]
- Landon Rabern (2009). On hitting all maximum cliques with an independent set. arXiv:0907.3705
2010 ...
- Landon Rabern (2011). An improvement on Brooks' Theorem. arXiv:1102.1021 [6]
- Landon Rabern (2011). A note on vertex partitions. arXiv:1107.1735
- Landon Rabern (2012). Partitioning and coloring with degree constraints. arXiv:1202.5855
- Landon Rabern (2012). A different short proof of Brooks' theorem. arXiv:1205.3253
- Landon Rabern (2012). Coloring graphs with dense neighborhoods. arXiv:1209.3646
- Landon Rabern (2013). Coloring graphs from almost maximum degree sized palettes. Ph.D. thesis, Arizona State University, advisor: Henry A. Kierstead, pdf
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern (2014). Brooks' Theorem and Beyond. arXiv:1403.0479
- Hal Kierstead, Landon Rabern (2014). Improved lower bounds on the number of edges in list critical and online list critical graphs. arXiv:1406.7355
- Landon Rabern (2014). A game generalizing Hall’s Theorem. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 320 [7]
2015 ...
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern (2015). Subcubic edge chromatic critical graphs have many edges. arXiv:1506.04225
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern (2015). Edge-coloring via fixable subgraphs. arXiv:1507.05600
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern (2015). Beyond Degree Choosability. arXiv:1511.00350
- Hal Kierstead, Landon Rabern (2015). Extracting list colorings from large independent sets. arXiv:1512.08130
- Landon Rabern (2016). A better lower bound on average degree of 4-list-critical graphs. arXiv:1602.08532
- Landon Rabern (2016). A better lower bound on average degree of k-list-critical graphs. arXiv:1608.06989
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern (2018). Planar graphs are 9/2-colorable. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Vol. 133, arXiv:1410.7233
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern (2019). The Hilton--Zhao Conjecture is True for Graphs with Maximum Degree 4. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 33, No. 3, arXiv:1703.00959
Forum Posts
- Re: C or C++ for Chess Programming? by Landon Rabern, CCC, August 18, 2000
- Betsy 5.0 is now winboard compatable by Landon Rabern, CCC, September 06, 2000
- Betsy 5.26 by Landon Rabern, CCC, July 06, 2001
- Re: FRC_TheBaron_101 Vs Fritz8 (Castling vs Not Castling rules) by Landon Rabern, CCC, June 24, 2003
External Links
- landon rabern
- landon rabern | LinkedIn
- landon rabern - Google Scholar Citations
- Landon Rabern - The Mathematics Genealogy Project
- landon (landon rabern) · GitHub
- GitHub - landon/Chess: Beginnings of a port of Betsy to C#
- ↑ landon_resume.pdf
- ↑ Der Chess960-Express ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten, Chess Tigers Training Center, July 20, 2005 (German)
- ↑ dblp: Landon Rabern
- ↑ Chvátal graph from Wikipedia
- ↑ George Boolos credits Raymond Smullyan as the originator of the puzzle and John McCarthy with adding the difficulty of not knowing what da and ja mean, George Boolos (1996). The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever. The Harvard Review of Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 1, The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever - Wikipedia
- ↑ Brooks' theorem from Wikipedia
- ↑ Hall's marriage theorem - Wikipedia