Kurt Thearling
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Kurt H. Thearling,
an American electrical engineer, analytics and data science executive with focus on data mining for CRM. While affiliated with the Thinking Machines Corporation in the 90s, where he helped to create Darwin, one of the first commercial data mining software applications able to analyze extremely large databases, and worked along with Thomas S. Ray on the Tierra project, a computer simulation of artificial life, he also contributed to computer chess with the first message passing software for the StarTech project. John Mucci and David Waltz provided the managerial backing to allow Mark Bromley, Roger Frye, and Kurt Thearling to work on the massive parallel chess program.
Roger E. Frye contributed to the StarTech project, as mentioned by Bradley Kuszmaul in his thesis acknowledgments [2]:
Mark Bromley, Roger Frye, and Kurt Thearling provided important design and programming help in getting StarTech running on the CM-5.
Selected Publications
1988 ...
- Bartlett Mel, Stephen Omohundro, Arch D. Robison, Steven Skiena, Kurt Thearling, Stephen Wolfram, Luke T, Young (1988). Academic Computing in the Year 2000. Academic Computing, pdf
- Bartlett Mel, Stephen Omohundro, Arch D. Robison, Steven Skiena, Kurt Thearling, Stephen Wolfram, Luke T. Young (1988). Tablet: The Personal Computer of the Year 2000. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 31, No. 6, pdf preprint
1990 ...
- Kurt Thearling, Stephen Smith (1992). An Improved Supercomputer Sorting Benchmark. Supercomputing '92
- Kurt Thearling (1992). Putting Artificial Life to Work. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2, North-Holland
- Kurt Thearling, Thomas S. Ray (1994). Evolving Multi-cellular Artificial Life. Artificial Life IV, MIT Press
- Kurt Thearling, Thomas S. Ray (1997). Evolving Parallel Computation. Complex Systems, Vol. 10, No. 3
- Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Thearling (1999). Building Data Mining Applications for CRM. McGraw-Hill
2000 ...
- Kurt Thearling (2005). Data Mining for CRM. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, Springer
- Kurt Thearling (2009). Data Mining for CRM. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2nd edition, Springer
External Links
- ↑ Kurt Thearling | LinkedIn
- ↑ Bradley C. Kuszmaul (1994). Synchronized MIMD Computing. Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, pdf, pp. 146, Acknowledgments
- ↑ dblp: Kurt H. Thearling