Jin Yoshimura
Jin Yoshimura,
a Japanese evolutionary biologist and professor at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu [2], and NERC Center for Population Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire, with research interests in mathematical biology, evolutionary ecology, economics, operations research and game theory.
Selected Publications
1994 ...
- David Sloan Wilson, Jin Yoshimura (1994). On the Coexistence of Specialists and Generalists. American Naturalist, Vol. 144, No. 4
- Nobusuke Sasaki, Yasuji Sawada, Jin Yoshimura (1998). A Neural Network Program of Tsume-Go. CG 1998 [5]
- Hiroyuki Iida, Jin Yoshimura, Kazuro Morita, Jos Uiterwijk (1998). Retrograde Analysis of the KGK Endgame in Shogi: Its Implications for Ancient Heian Shogi. CG 1998
2000 ...
- Makoto Sakuta, Hiroyuki Iida, Jin Yoshimura (2000). A Deterministic Approach for Solving Kriegspiel-like Problems. 5th Computer Olympiad Workshop
- Makoto Sakuta, Hiroyuki Iida, Jin Yoshimura (2000). Solving Problems under {Uncertainty Paradigm}. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science and Education on the Internet (SSGRR 2000), L'Aquila, Italy. (in CD-ROM).
- Tsuyoshi Hashimoto, Yoichiro Kajihara, Nobusuke Sasaki, Hiroyuki Iida, Jin Yoshimura (2001). An Evaluation Function for Amazons. Advances in Computer Games 9
- Hiroyuki Iida, Nobuo Takeshita, Jin Yoshimura (2002). A metric for entertainment of boardgames: its implication for evolution of chess variant. IWEC 2002: Makuhari, Japan
- Jin Yoshimura (2009). Selection for prime-number intervals in a numerical model of periodical cicada evolution. Evolution 63, pp 288-94 [6]
External Links
- Jin Yoshimura
- Jin Yoshimura (Japanese)