Ian Frank

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Home * People * Ian Frank

Ian Frank,
a British computer scientist and associate professor at Future University-Hakodate in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. His research focuses on robot soccer and multiplayer games with incomplete information, in particular the game of Bridge. He received a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from University of Edinburgh in 1991 [1] and 1998 [2] respectively, both on search and planning applied to Bridge, advisor was Alan Bundy. Along with David Basin, Ian Frank is author of the Bridge program Finesse [3]. His further interests includes the World Music and Dance Festival (WNDF) in Hakodate [4], where he is chairman of the annual event [5] [6].

Selected Publications


1990 ...

2000 ...

Itsuki Noda, Ian Frank (2000). Review: RoboCup through 2000. CG 2000

2010 ...

External Links

FINESSE: Computer Bridge Research


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