Ian Frank
Ian Frank,
a British computer scientist and associate professor at Future University-Hakodate in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. His research focuses on robot soccer and multiplayer games with incomplete information, in particular the game of Bridge. He received a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from University of Edinburgh in 1991 [1] and 1998 [2] respectively, both on search and planning applied to Bridge, advisor was Alan Bundy. Along with David Basin, Ian Frank is author of the Bridge program Finesse [3]. His further interests includes the World Music and Dance Festival (WNDF) in Hakodate [4], where he is chairman of the annual event [5] [6].
Selected Publications
1990 ...
- Ian Frank (1991). An Adaptation of Proof-Planning Techniques to Declarer Play in the Game of Bridge. M.Sc. thesis, University of Edinburgh
- Ian Frank, David Basin, Alan Bundy (1992). An Adaptation of Proof-Planning to Declarer Play in Bridge. ECAI 1992
- Ian Frank, David Basin, Hitoshi Matsubara (1997). Payoff-reduction Minimaxing. Fourth Game Programming Workshop
- Ian Frank, David Basin, Hitoshi Matsubara (1998). Monte-Carlo Sampling in Games with Imperfect Information: Empirical Investigation and Analysis. Research report of the Complex Games Lab, Ibaraki, Japan, pdf
- Ian Frank, David Basin (1998). Optimal Play against Best Defence: Complexity and Heuristics. CG 1998
- Ian Frank, Reijer Grimbergen (1998). Report on the First International Conference on Computers and Games. ICCA Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4 » CG 1998
- Ian Frank, David Basin (1998). Search in Games with Incomplete Information: A Case Study using Bridge Card Play. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 100
- Ian Frank (1998). Search and Planning Under Incomplete Information: A Study Using Bridge Card Play. Springer, Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, advisor Alan Bundy
2000 ...
- Tony Marsland, Ian Frank (eds.) (2000). Computers and Games. CG 2000
- Ian Frank, David Basin (2000). Make No Mistake: Computers vs. Suit Combinations. The Bridge World, Vol. 72, No. 2
- Ian Frank, David Basin (2001). A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Search in Imperfect Information Games. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 252
- Ian Frank, Nobuhisa Sanbou, Katsuaki Terashima (2006). Some positive effects of online gaming. ACE 2006
2010 ...
- Ian Frank, Yasushi Harada, Alex Grant (2013). Linking University Curriculum and Community - Learn Programming with Scratch, Get Projection. Culture and Computing 2013 [8]
External Links
- ↑ Ian Frank (1991). An Adaptation of Proof-Planning Techniques to Declarer Play in the Game of Bridge. M.Sc. thesis, University of Edinburgh
- ↑ Ian Frank (1998). Search and Planning Under Incomplete Information: A Study Using Bridge Card Play. Springer, Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh
- ↑ FINESSE: Computer Bridge Research
- ↑ Ian Frank | WMDF: World Music and Dance Festival in Hakodate, Japan
- ↑ July | 2009 | WMDF: World Music and Dance Festival in Hakodate, Japan
- ↑ 2010 World Music and Dance Festival (WMDF) 003 in Hakodate, Japan, YouTube Video
- ↑ dblp: Ian Frank
- ↑ Scratch (programming language) from Wikipedia