David Horne
David R. Horne,
a British inventor [1], former programmer, and chess programmer. In the early 1980s, David Horne wrote 1K ZX Chess, one of the world's smallest chess programs, running on the unexpanded Sinclair ZX81 with only one Kib of RAM [2]. 1K ZX Chess was published in Your Computer, and commercially market by Horne himself [3] and soon by Artic Computing, also launching Horne's Chess Tutor for the ZX Spectrum in 1983 [4].
See also
Selected Publications
- David Horne (1982). Chess in 1K. Your Computer, December 1982
- David Horne (1983). ZX-81 Chess. Your Computer, January 1983
- David Horne (1983). Full ZX-81 Chess in 1K. Your Computer, February 1983
External Links
1K ZX Chess
- ZX81 Publisher Information for D. R. Horne
- 1K ZX81 Chess Z80 Assembly listing © Copyright David Horne
Chess Tutor
- Horne David R, Inventor, Crowborough, GB2
- Patent US4463258 - Imaging apparatus - Google Patents
- Patent US4450479 - Thermal imaging apparatus - Google Patents