CPW-Engine utils
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#include "stdafx.h" #include "0x88_math.h" #include "transposition.h" enum etask { TASK_NOTHING, TASK_SEARCH, TASK_PONDER } extern task; extern bool time_over; unsigned int gettime(); int util_pv(char * pv) { sboard rootb = b; char best; smove m[256]; int mcount = 0; for (U8 depth = 1; depth <= sd.depth; depth++) { best = -1; tt_probe(0, 0, 0, &best); if (best == -1) break; mcount = movegen(m, 0xFF); for (int i = 0; i<mcount; i++) { if (m[i].id == best) { move_make(m[i]); pv = algebraic_writemove(m[i], pv); pv[0] = ' '; pv++; break; } } } pv[0] = 0; b = rootb; return 0; } void perft_start(char * command) { unsigned int starttime = gettime(); int depth; sscanf(command + 6, "%d", &depth); printf("Performance Test\n"); for (U8 d = 1; d <= depth; d++) { printf("%d:\t%d\t%d\n", d, gettime() - starttime, perft(d)); } } U64 perft(U8 depth) { U64 nodes = 0; if (depth == 0) return 1; smove m[256]; int mcount = movegen(m, 0xFF); for (int i = 0; i < mcount; i++) { move_make(m[i]); if (!isAttacked(b.stm, b.KingLoc[!b.stm])) nodes += perft(depth - 1); move_unmake(m[i]); } return nodes; } void util_bench(char * command) { unsigned int starttime = gettime(); int depth; sscanf(command + 6, "%d", &depth); time_over = false; sd.myside = b.stm; sd.starttime = gettime(); sd.depth = 0; sd.nodes = 0; task = TASK_SEARCH; chronos.depth = depth; chronos.flags = FDEPTH; search_run(); task = TASK_NOTHING; if (gettime() - starttime < 1000) starttime = gettime() - 1000; printf("Nodes:\t%d\nTime:\t%d ms\nNPS:\t%d\n", (int)sd.nodes, gettime() - starttime, (int)sd.nodes / ((gettime() - starttime) / 1000)); return; } smove strToMove(char * a) { smove m; m.from = convert_a_0x88(a); m.to = convert_a_0x88(a + 2); m.piece_from = b.pieces[m.from]; m.piece_to = b.pieces[m.from]; m.piece_cap = b.pieces[m.to]; m.flags = 0; m.castle = 0; m.ep = -1; m.ply = 0; m.score = 0; /* default promotion to queen */ if ((m.piece_to == PAWN) && (ROW(m.to) == ROW_1 || ROW(m.to) == ROW_8)) m.piece_to = QUEEN; switch (a[4]) { case 'q': m.piece_to = QUEEN; a++; break; case 'r': m.piece_to = ROOK; a++; break; case 'b': m.piece_to = BISHOP; a++; break; case 'n': m.piece_to = KNIGHT; a++; break; } //castling if ((m.piece_from == KING) && ((m.from == E1 && (m.to == G1 || m.to == C1)) || (m.from == E8 && (m.to == G8 || m.to == C8)))) { m.flags = MFLAG_CASTLE; } /* ep if the moving-piece is a Pawn, the square it moves to is empty and it was a diagonal move it has to be an en-passant capture. */ if ((m.piece_from == PAWN) && (m.piece_cap == PIECE_EMPTY) && ((abs(m.from - m.to) == 15) || (abs(m.from - m.to) == 17))) { m.flags = MFLAG_EPCAPTURE; } if ((m.piece_from == PAWN) && (abs(m.from - m.to) == 32)) { m.flags |= MFLAG_EP; } return m; } int algebraic_moves(char * a) { smove m; int found_match = 0; while (a[0]) { if (!((a[0] >= 'a') && (a[0] <= 'h'))) { a++; continue; } m = strToMove(a); found_match = move_isLegal(m); if (found_match) { move_make(m); if ((m.piece_from == PAWN) || (move_iscapt(m)) || (m.flags == MFLAG_CASTLE)) b.rep_index = 0; } else { break; } a += 4; if (a[0] == 0) break; if (a[0] != ' ') a++; } return found_match; } //returns new pointer char * algebraic_writemove(smove m, char * a) { char parray[5] = { 0,'q','r','b','n' }; convert_0x88_a(m.from, a); convert_0x88_a(m.to, a + 2); a += 4; if (m.piece_to != m.piece_from) { a[0] = parray[m.piece_to]; a++; } a[0] = 0; return a; } void convert_0x88_a(S8 sq, char * a) { a[0] = COL(sq) + 'a'; a[1] = ROW(sq) + '1'; a[2] = 0; } U8 convert_a_0x88(char * a) { S8 sq; sq = a[0] - 'a'; sq += (a[1] - '1') * 16; return sq; }