Alan H. Bond

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Home * People * Alan H. Bond

Alan H. Bond [1]

Alan Hale Bond, (October 18, 1940)
a British American physicist, electrical engineer, computer scientist, AI researcher, and neuroscientist at Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests include distributed artificial intelligence, logic programming, parallel computer architectures, and the application of artificial intelligence to practical problems [2]. Alan Bond received the B.A. in physics in 1961 and the M.A. degree in 1966 from Magdalen College, Oxford and the Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Imperial College London [3]. Since then he had various research and lecturer positions in the UK and US, beside others at Carnegie Mellon University and Queen Mary, University of London [4]. He was tutor and advisor of John J. Scott, an early British computer chess programmer, and was along with Alex Bell supporter and promoter of early Computer Chess Conferences, the forerunner of Advances in Computer Chess [5].

Selected Publications

[6] [7]

1968 ...

1970 ...

1980 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

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